Barbara Corcoran gave me a cold!
Stephanie Cigainero - The Black Swan
Senior Loan officer at AllWestern HomeLoans
...or at least I'll know in a few days!
Sitting in the front few rows of her amazing Plano, Tx debut this morning really was fuel to my flame. I have some new tools and a my zeal is back. Thank you, Barbara! I hope that you know that your God given gifts have influenced people far and wide. Love your bubbly charm and purely motivational, simply honest inspiration.
Speaking to a group of 1500 is never easy but she made it look like she was talking to herself in the mirror. In a way, I suppose she was because she is a real estate tycoon commanding the attention of realtors, loan officers and real estate industry professionals for almost two hours. She mentioned something that I thought I would take to you all, the people who may need it most and who weren't able to experience the tingle and glitter Barbara came prepared with.
"BOUNCE BACK" - How do you deal with rejection?
"if it's going to hit you hard, you need to know if that's something you can get your hands around" she said, after being asked a question from an audience member about feeling down trodden after a buyer loses a bid, a seller has lost out or just general industry burn out.
Instantly I think about our DFW market. These buyers can't find homes without going so far over list price, the appraisal becomes a worry. The sellers are losing, too, sometimes because of this very reason or sometimes because they have so many offers in just a few days, (and are reading heartfelt pleas for their home in the form of letters from the potential buyers)that they are overwhelmed that they feel like losers, too... or could potentially be if they move too fast.
"speak up" she demands, "it's very hard to defeat the voices in your head. When I defeat my 'self' enemy I can defeat anything that comes my way. Get rid of the spins on the situation." Go out with a blank slate every time. Don't let the fear of rejection keep you or your buyers form making an offer. Don't let the fear of the possibility of making less money if you accept an offer on your listing right after it's placed on the market Keep you from accepting the first thing that flies your way. Don't consider anything with a tainted mind.
"Be real. Be yourself, it's the only thing that works." and remember that LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. If you're burnt out and unhappy, your buyers and sellers will be too. If you're excited and playful, they will be too!! Be like a child, it's safe and fun! Everything can be so exciting if you THINK it is!
Have fun! Remember WHY you are a real estate professional. Or better yet, Remember WHY you are looking to buy a home, the "stage of your life" according to Barbara. Hold on to the things that are REAL.
In closing, thank you to MOVEMENT for being a sponsor of this event and for my invitation. Remember, that Movement Mortgage is the best mortgage company you could ever imagine being associated with for so many reasons, ask me why.