BANT 2.0 spells What, When, Who and Why.
And it’s all about value creation.
We are often talking about BANT and I think that is a great tool to make sure you are on the right track with a sales case. To make sure you are speaking to the right person (A) authority and that you early in the process find out the (N) need, (T) timing and (B) budget is crucial for the success in your sales case.
But what I have realized in the line of my work is, if there are not any obvious value in your offering you have a really really small chance to win the case, you might not actually realize that your self due to speed blindness in your pursuit of winning new deals.
So rule number 1 is to always know what value you are going to create for the customer.
Rule number 2 is to find out WHY your solution is a perfect fit for your customer. Does it really solve a need?
And WHAT is your offering? How can you be extremely clear about WHAT you offer?
If you can’t explain it. Don’t sell it.
Then off course you must make sure to know WHO you are addressing. It can be various persons and roles in your customers organisation. And they all need different information and views of your value creation and offering. WHO are the one to make the final decision regarding purchase of the things you offer?
Do not forget the power of many, The more people at the customer that knows your offer and value creation the bigger chance to win the deal.
Last but not least there is the question about WHEN it’s suitable to approach the customer and also WHEN do they want to have their problems solved. If you are aware of WHEN its much easier to push the deal to a quicker close.
So there you have it! What, When, Who and Why. Good luck!!!
//Henrik Larsson.
Consultant at Capgemini Group
6 年
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