Quality: Banking Digital Services
Raéd Alexander Ayyad
#VeritatemDilexi ... "The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers; the true dangerous thing is asking the wrong question." —Peter Drucker
Last month, July 2022, I had an interesting experience with a bank I recently started doing business with; the bank is Capital One. Having been living a professional career that is travel oriented, and mobility focused, I have always designed, and built, my personal infrastructure to support such a dynamic lifestyle; a well designed, high-performing, and secure, digitized infrastructure can empower such a modality. The problem is that when you outsource parts of your infrastructure, you often loose control over quality assurance (QA)—to say the least.
After a significant round of research that spanned many months, and critically studying reviews—being them professional (such as via Forbes), or others, I settled on choosing the aforementioned financial institution as my, now, preferred banking services provider. They seemed to check-off all the boxes when it came to what I was seeking from such a "partner"... summarized in two words: "High Quality," that is, in every aspect.
You don't know someone until you spend time living with them
From the beginning... Opening the account...
From the onset, the supposedly seamless process to open the account online was anything but. Their OCR tools had a very hard time recognizing my government issued identification card (Texas drivers license); after a multiple evenings, and dozens upon dozens of attempts of taking photos at different angles, with different backgrounds, with different lighting, with different close-up levels (their app tool does not have any boundary markers to frame the image within, when taking the picture), I gave up with marked frustration.
Being an IT guy, I figured that I can troubleshoot and solve the problem, but eventually, I had to cut my time losses short and call customer service. Every time I spoke with one of the kind people who attempted to attend to the problem, they gave me no other choice but to go through the same dance and song with the app and the camera, half-a-dozen times, at least, to no avail. We did that for another couple of days of attempts.
Eventually, it was requested of me to just visit one of their branches, where a location manager can confirm my identity and complete the setup process in-person.
Reluctantly, having no other choice, I asked for the address of the closest location, which was a 45-minute drive away, factoring in the traffic. I arrived at the address, only to find-out that it was a branch that has been abandoned for some time, and, actually, there was a construction crew working on remodeling the building for some other business!
They did not know where their own bank branch is! Their location data was out of date!
I got back into my vehicle, and called customer service again... guess what, I was told that I had no choice but to go through the same song and dance with the app and the camera before they can escalate this to another solution!! Patiently, I kindly resigned to my fate, and in, and out of, the car, with their guidance and instruction, I started taking photos of my ID with different backgrounds, different angles, different lighting, and so on, to no avail!
Only at that stage, and after I went through all this for days and days, the representative advised me that they will just go ahead and setup the account over the phone, for they can see my ID and readily study the data on it. Hallelujah! I opened a new checking account, and when I got home later, I opened a new savings account, as I was told that I should not have a problem with that at this stage.
All groovy! Now, I can just move on with my business, and have my banking transactions processed. I updated my employer's records, and so on. After I received my banking cards, I setup my eCommerce accounts to reflect the addition of this institution and its services, so that I can do my online business when I choose.
Time to pay bills, spend some money, & save some my money!
Over a period of a several weeks, I noticed that I was not able to pay for fuel at the pump, at some locations while being fine at others; to follow, I noticed that some of my online transactions were not going through, after a while from concluding a purchase and being provided the initial confirmation, but again, not all of them!
'What in the devil is going on here?' I thought to myself. Eventually, after my business meetings one day, I called customer service, again, whom by this time I felt that I was dating with more regularity than some girls I have met! I was advised that there was an authorization that needed to be activated directly through the mobile app!
Alright, simple enough, I did so, and to my delight, again, it all started working! Certainly, at this stage, I had no reason to expect any other glitches! I went through all the documentation again, and I made sure that everything is configured as it should. Done! ... or so I thought!
In the past, I paid for my housing in two ways: [1] Automatic bank transfer [2] Electronic cheque Transaction (eCheck), but the first choice was the most common. After weaving though the app, and then the online site, inside out, I could not find a way to set that up where it will work. Guess what, yes, I called customer service; they advised me that their banking service does not offer the option to transfer from my account to another, unless the other account has my name on it too! I confirmed the latter after speaking with several reps, and messing further with their website and the app.
I gave up; I called back and asked to be given guidance on how to setup an account to use their electronic cheque (eCheck) service (you see, when I opened the account, I was not given any option to use/order paper cheques, and neither did the app nor the site provide the option during the application process). I setup the system so that I can pay for my housing with an eCheck. The first cheque transaction went though seamlessly, and it was mailed and was processed afterwards without any problems.
Come the second month after I had opened the accounts, I followed the seemingly seamless process to pay for my housing, again, though the same identical process as before... even the mailing address that I used was still saved in the system, and all I had to do was to select it, confirm the amount and submit the request... I did all that, and I thought that was done for the month... no, I was not!
... And the thumb-screws keep being turned!
A couple of weeks into the month, I was asked about the due payment, to which I advised that it was sent, and should have been delivered by now! Then, I elaborated and shared my thoughts about the postal mail having been a bit slow in recent times (no thanks, Louie DeJoy), and if they can give it a few more days. Agreed.
Another fortnight passed, and I was confronted again about the payment! What in the heavens is going on here?! I called customer service, yes, again... A young sounding gentleman took the call, and after I described the details of my situation, he kindly asked my permission to place me on "hold," so to investigate further; he returned, and after verifying the mailing addresses, the amount of the transaction, and the name on the cheque, he advised that all the data was correct, and that the error was on their end; "there was a problem with how and where [they] sent the cheque," and that it was returned.
I described the sensitivity of the matter, and how late the payment is at this stage, to which he acknowledged and apologized, and told me that he is going to reissue the cheque and make sure it is mailed. I kindly shared that I sincerely appreciate the apology, but that it will neither pay the bill nor make-up for this bad image—on my behalf, if this matter is not resolved expeditiously.
I requested that they express-mail the payment, and I even offered to pay for the express mail service, even while it should be their duty to do so! He shared that he does not have access to do so, but that he will escalate the matter to a manager so to make it so. I advised him that if there was any, problem by CoB, to note that I will take a call from them, even if during business hours or later in the evening, to address it. I did not hear back, so, I presumed that all is well now...
... After all this, I figured that no way in heck will this process fail again... Yep! You are right, I was wrong! Today, almost exactly a month after this whole nightmare started with the cheque, I was confronted, again, and advised that the cheque was still not received! This time, I did not even argue or provide justifications, I just got onto the app so to communicate digitally through a system they use called "Zelle"... I submitted the question... the system was down! I started laughing aloud!
So, here we go again! I called customer service! I knew the number by heart! It is: 1(877)383-4802! After holding for a while, I was received by a very charming a professional customer service rep—much like all the others I dealt with before, but she was even nicer... she just seemed to be that kind of human being.
I explained the whole 'adventure,' and then elaborated on the embarrassment I am dealing with on-top of the failed transactions on their end, which has placed me in a position where after a whole month has passed, my housing payment is still to be made, and now I have another monthly payment that I am not sure that will go through digitally, and since I am yet to receive my paper cheques, I can not even write one!
After acknowledging the situation and demonstrating genuine empathy, and sympathizing with my position, she verified all the facts, and made sure that—as I see it—I did not drop the ball anywhere (I can not be blamed for any aspect of this problem), and that the problem was 100% triggered by technical and process failings on Capital One's end, just as was verified the first time I called the center about this problem.
She advised me that she is going to involve a manager (more authority) to support us, then she placed me on hold after assuring me that I will not have to repeat the description of the situation to that person, again.
Enter Luke...
Oh Luke! This Luke is certainly no evangelist! He is not even Luke-warm! This Luke was cold... dead cold. This man lacked professionalism, customer care skills, leadership skills, empathy, understanding, or even practical logical thought!
Unfortunately, the young lady made the transfer after I shared my gratitude and recognized her skills, and was no longer on the call... there was no going back, or having a witness, well, beyond the recording of the discussion.
Luke was supposed to be privy to the history at this stage, for it is supposed to be documented on their systems, moreover, the young lady took enough time—while I was on hold, where I presume that she gave him the heads-up as she advised that she will. He starts—and I am not exaggerating—sounding like Bill Lumbergh in the film Office Space! I almost giggled, but held back and maintained my decorum!
He advised that he was "confused," and requested that I describe the whole experience, again; I took a deep breath, after a sigh, and obliged his request. Afterwards, I requested, again, and expressed my expectations, that they need to remedy the situation they caused and expedite the reissuing for the cheque and express mailing it—for starters.
This character requested to place me on hold to verify things, which I gladly accepted. He returned and told me that they refunded the cheque to my account, and now, they have nothing they can do for me! So, I inquired and demanded that he explains why is it that I should pay in treasure, and more time, to deal with more delays in payment, for their own system failures, which I had nothing to do with? Why should I be the one penalized for repetitive failures in their systems and processes, that I had nothing to do with, and pay out of my own pocket?!
He refused to give an answer, and after I became less obliging, and more demanding for an answer, he proposed, as he spoke with arrogance as if from the tip of his nose, and I was a ring of scum in a toilet bowl: "I see you have [x] amount of dollars in your [checking] account, why don't you withdraw the money from bank and pay them the cash; that will be the fastest."
I held my breath, for his stupidity, and persistent desire to place the penalty of their failures on my shoulders, was mind boggling... then I calmly said: 'Hmm... I guess that there's no more reason for us talk, is there? Thank you,' and I hung-up after he remained quiet for several seconds not acknowledging my last statement.
I was thinking to myself: 'Who ever paid mortgage or rent with cash?! Or perhaps he was expecting me—on top of all the tangible and non-tangible losses I incurred—to take the cash, and then spend more money, for their failures, to buy a cashiers cheque at my expense, too! What is the advantage of eBanking if I have to keep burning my time and gasoline driving my SUV, averaging a hour driving round-trip, to do my banking?! #Moron'
I say, take a deeeeep breath...
I started realizing that I may have made a big mistake choosing this outfit to do business with, but I decided to give them a last chance. I called back, this time the wait did not seem as long, and I received Keith. As I explained to Keith the history of my experience over the past hour, and associating it with the big picture of the problem I was trying to deal with, I started becoming very frustrated... I had repeated the story so many times, it was becoming an intolerable waste of my valuable time.
I apologized to Keith and made sure that he understood that my frustration is not becasue of him, and for him not to take it personally, and I made sure to use the plural "you" or just say "the bank." After I was done, and I explained what my expectations are, i.e. for them to address the problem they created, he acknowledged my relative plight, and—as I expected—requested my permission to place me on hold so to see what can be done.
Expressing gratitude, I advised him that my time is his time at this stage. Shortly after, enter Christina! I silently laughed again, as I thanked Keith, and I expressed my gratitude for Christina's availability to assist. Yes... I explained it all again, to the moment she and I connected!!!
Christina the ballerina, by this time I could have been in herzegovina!
Well, while Christina was polite, she excelled at shuckin' an' jivin'! She had moves that would have made Muhammad Ali proud! Yes, once again, I got the exact song and dance, sans the unearned elitist attitude presented by Luke! At the end, I just kept cornering her and repeatedly asked her a couple of questions which I requested answers for, to no avail (she wouldn't answer); they were:
Eventually, she asked if there was anything else she can do to help beyond this matter that she can't help with, to which I stated that she can escalate it to someone who could. She advised that she intended to do so, since I "requested a follow-up on the complaint pertaining to Luke," to which I affirmed (knowing in my mind that it is most probably a waste of expectations; it was)... To-date, I have not been acknowledged by them, and have not received that committed-to follow-up call.
Why did I choose to do business with Capital One over my previous bank(s)?
Well, you can say that I was seeking a different model than the traditional mega-banks, after having two memorable and upsetting experiences with the latter, which I will be sharing with you, in some detail, in my follow-up article titled "Quality: Banking Digital Services... "The Rock & The Hard Place."" Till then!
UPDATE—November 2022!
It is November 20, 2022; I'm yet to receive the committed-to follow-up from Capital One to address Luke the puke, and the over all problem created by them—as per [now, obviously] lyin' Christina's statements; they still have not sent me my cheque-books, so I am still paying for, and using, money-orders instead; and all my online transactions are being done via Pay Pal where at all possible.
Like I said in the conclusion of the follow-up article: 'They just do not give a damn.'
#VeritatemDilexi ... "The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers; the true dangerous thing is asking the wrong question." —Peter Drucker
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