Banking Must Move From Mobile-First to AI-First

Banking Must Move From Mobile-First to AI-First

While there are many important technological trends impacting the banking industry, none may be more important that artificial intelligence (AI) and the ability to use data, advanced analytics and digital technology to deliver a better customer experience.

By Jim Marous, Co-Publisher of The Financial Brand and Owner/Publisher of the Digital Banking Report

Technology continues to impact the banking industry, as more and more transactions move from physical to digital channels. The application of big data insights and advanced analytics (machine learning) has changed the internal operations, external experiences and competitive battlefield in financial services.With so much change, banks and credit unions are rethinking their business models for the future.

In a study from Accenture, it is proposed that the winners of the future will be characterized not only by technological capabilities, but also by the ability to use technology to empower people within the organization. According to the 28-page report, Technology Vision 2017, “It is that combination of people and technology that will truly create competitive advantage in the banking industry of the future.”

Nearly 90% of the banking executives participating in the survey agree that organizations must innovate at an increasingly rapid pace just to keep pace in the marketplace. As could be expected, most feel constrained by legacy systems and cost structures that put them at a disadvantage. Despite the need to innovate and support digital channels, less than half (47.8%) of bankers say they are investing adequately in digital as part of their overall strategy.

The Accenture report highlights five trends that underscore the importance of focusing on “Technology for People” to achieve digital success:

  • AI Is the New UI – Artificial intelligence is being used to enhance the customer experience, simplify workflows and drive down costs.
  • Ecosystem Power Plays – Companies will move beyond a platform strategy, to a rich and robust ecosystem approach in this new era of increased intelligence.
  • Workforce Marketplace – Traditional workplace hierarchies are being replaced with ‘talent marketplaces’ that include large numbers of independent freelancers and part-timers.
  • Design for Humans – Big data and advanced analytic technology is creating the expectation of not only knowing where people are today, but also where they want to be.
  • The Unchartered – Looking beyond banking, organizations are entering entirely new digital industries that have yet to be defined.

The number one trend around artificial intelligence is underscored by the fact that bankers believe artificial intelligence (AI) will ‘revolutionize the way banks gather information and interact with customers.’ This is in line with the findings from other industries, where the application of big data and machine learning is expected to provide a better understanding of customer beliefs and intentions, enabling enhanced customer experiences and better competitive positioning.

The Technology Vision 2017 report states, “With advances in artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and big data analytics, humans can now design technology that’s capable of learning to think more like people and to constantly align to and help advance their wants and needs. This human-centered technology approach pays off for businesses, as leading companies will transform relationships from provider to partner — simultaneously transforming internally.”

AI is the new UI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is not new in banking. Financial organizations have been using AI to solve problems both big and small, by making manual processes more simple, more accurate, faster and less costly.

Today, AI is moving beyond process improvement, becoming the new user interface (UI), underpinning the way financial organizations transact and interact with systems. Machine learning will adapt to data and interactions to improve areas like fraud detection, and will leverage AI-enabled tools (like digital assistants and chatbots) to create more contextual interactions with customers.

According to the Accenture research, AI will help usher in a new era in digital banking, both in the front- and back-office.

  • 82% of U.S. bankers (79% of global bankers) believe that AI will revolutionize the way banks gather information and interact with customers.
  • 82% of U.S. bankers (79% of global bankers) expect AI to accelerate technology adoption throughout the organization, providing their employees with the tools and resources to better serve consumers.
  • 73% of U.S. bankers (78% of global bankers) believe that AI will enable simpler user interfaces that will help banks create a more human-like customer experience.
  • 72% of U.S. bankers (76% of global bankers) believe that within 3 years banks will deploy AI as their primary method for interacting with customers.
  • 29% believe it is extremely important to offer their products/services through centralized platforms/assistants or messaging bots.

AI Marketplace Examples

Two current AI examples include Capital One Bank, ...

Read the Rest of This Article on The Financial Brand ...

To read the rest of the article discussing the importance of big data and artificial intelligence in mobile development, go to the complete article here ...

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Alain Herz

Senior Business Development & Alliance Strategist - Data Analytics - Financial Services - big 4

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I'd love to see "Colette" deal with a complex mortgage application. Navin?

Rahul Bansode

Book Author - Digital Roadmap | Digital Transformation Architect

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Banks need so to move to AI first strategy other wise they will be moved :-)


Responsable de l'unité Assistance & Relation Client

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Oui, trois fois oui et quand IBM te présente Watson, ?a fait rêver !!!

Gianluigi Cuccureddu

Senior Ecommerce Marketing Specialist Helping Ambitious Companies Grow their Revenue and Profit

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Banking must move from debt- & interest-based, fractional banking to full reserve and non-interest banking. Check out / B. of Joy - citizens must own the money supply, not private commercial entities.



