Banking legal considerations in Mexico: Representative Offices of Foreign Financial Institutions – Part I

Banking legal considerations in Mexico: Representative Offices of Foreign Financial Institutions – Part I

In accordance with the Credit Institutions Law (Ley de Instituciones de Crédito) (“LIC”) and the “Rules applicable to the establishment and operation of Representation Offices of Foreign Financial Institutions referred to in article 7 of the Credit Institutions Law and article 159 of the Securities Market Law (Reglas aplicables al establecimiento y operación de Oficinas de Representación de Entidades Financieras del Exterior a que se refiere el artículo 7o de la Ley de Instituciones de Crédito y el artículo 159 de la Ley del Mercado de Valores)” (hereinafter the “Rules”), the necessary steps for a foreign financial institution to carry out operations in through the establishment, in Mexico, of a representative office, will be through the presentation of a formal request before the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público) (the “SHCP”).

In this respect, it will be necessary, pursuant to the Rules, to file the following information and documentation:

  • The corporate name of the requesting foreign financial institution.
  • The commitment to submit unconditionally to the laws, provisions and authorities of the United Mexican States, in everything that refers to the acts and activities carried out in Mexico.
  • The indication of the federal entity where the representative office(s) would be established.
  • Document certifying (i) that the foreign financial institution has been authorized by the competent authorities of its country of origin to act and be established as such, and (ii) the type of operations it can carry out.
  • The current corporate bylaws of the foreign financial institution.
  • The authorization or approval issued by the competent authority of the place of incorporation of the foreign financial institution, to establish the representative office in Mexico.
  • The resolution or agreement of the competent authority of the foreign financial institution that approves the establishment of the representative office in Mexico.
  • General Operation Plan, which must contain the program of activities to be carried out by the representative office, expressing the main activities that it would carry out in Mexico, including the types of products that it intends to inform and negotiate.
  • Documentation that proves the personality and powers granted to the legal representative.
  • The resolution or agreement of the competent authority of the foreign financial institution country of origin, regarding the appointment of the individual who will act as its representative in charge of the representative office or offices, his/her curriculum vitae that includes sufficient information about his/her moral solvency and its technical and administrative capacity.
  • Consolidated and audited financial statements of the foreign financial institution or the annual report that contains them, prepared in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in their country of origin.
  • Capitalization index of the foreign financial institution, and the elements that compose it, indicating the minimum regulation provided in its country of origin and, where appropriate, credit rating granted by an agency of recognized international prestige.

Legal representation

The individual appointed as the legal representative of the foreign financial institution that acts as the person in charge of the representative office(s), may not act simultaneously as a representative of other entities, or as a director of the board or as first or second level official of any intermediary of the Mexican financial system, nor perform any job, position, or commission in the public service.

Such legal representative must also reside in the Mexican Republic (under the terms established in the Federal Tax Code (Código Fiscal de la Federación)) and have moral solvency and technical and administrative capacity.


Luis Gerardo Ramírez Villela的更多文章

