Bank Bank Bank
Minor update to friends & connections used to hear us talking about “Bank Bank Of China”
Because generally staff repeat TWICE most of their messages, generally the irrelevant things, overlooking critical ones!
?That is based on REAL LIVE events and if #HKMA Regulatory Enforcement wants to check it, I can guide them.
Playing “mystery shopper” is unlikely to work for me as many banks in town have likely labelled me “#RED”. (Check Bruce Willis movies!)
?Honestly, that is fair, but I always try to be nice first but they never listen. Sad!
With a #derivative background, I always pull a #Disclaimer and #Mirandize them …reading them their rights as well as referring to my credentials …giving future casualties a chance to correct their mistakes (everybody, me too, makes mistakes) without prejudice.
?But in this city, #FaceIssue is a PLAGUE or maybe #HopeForTheBest is the #RiskManagement “strategy” for most.
It often ends up with 1) a virtual “baseball bat” and 2) IPPON awarded to me!
Cherry on the cake, being bored to death, it is fun for me putting at use my twisted brain for the local common good!!
Yes, many Hong Kong residents, daily bullied by THOSE (many !!) banks, would love to do that but cannot, so that it‘s my Community Service as #HongKong #SFC and #HKMA have no use for me, a non-Cantonese speaker.
(what about #ICAC or …#OCTB? ??)
?Anyway, because another bank (30 years clients) did THREE stupidities in 6 months of 2024,
we were looking for an additional (multi-banks is the ONLY way here!) ?joint-account in another bank, less dysfunctional.
?By the way, after 6 months pointing at all the flaws (that included to a nice and smart #2 in a friendly big branch) and their negative consequences for their clients (likely to vote with their feet), that bank folded on EVERYTHING that was a nuisance to us!
EVERYTHING that was impossible in November 2024 was possible in February 2025! Everything. Period! Those guys are #Masochists ! They want the pain. Weird!
?That bank did not U-turn because of me…. but because of hundreds-thousands other clients walking out (no noise) for the same reasons.
I was simply the early low amplitude signal that this bank ignored! Classic.
Marketing 101:
Thou Shall Bless the pesky guy! He will spend his time & tell you what you messed up!
Needles do jump from haystacks on me!! I do not have to look for them!
Back to Bank Bank Of China!
For us, now it will become …Bank Bank Bank of China!!
Simply because on recent …new HEADACHES…their TOTALLY FLAWED systems sent THREE TIMES the same e-mail to…the wrong e-mail address (another flaw in their IT systems!)
Stupidity going the extra mile!
How to distinguish if you are dealing with a HUMAN or with an AI ROBOT (or IT system) at Bank of China?
Just count!
If the useless disclaimer is said TWICE, then it is HUMAN.
If it is THREE times, then it is AI / Android / Robot …or the head of IT.
If ever (likely not!) some weird soul at HKMA Regulatory Enforcement or…ICAC is ever interested.
there are many discrepancies and inconsistencies at Bank Bank Bank Of China between:
·??????? Legal documentation,
·??????? Forms,
·??????? Messages sent by e-mail,
·??????? Messages sent by SMS,
·??????? Communications from branch counter staff.
…at first sight!
For other banks, do not laugh at Bank Bank Bank Of China because:
·??????? You got crushed already,
·??????? You should fear my visit.
Thought of the day:
I honestly think that Machiavelli, Marquis de Sade and Attila were really nice guys, simply misunderstood.
As I was writing this and preparing a very comprehensive letter to the compliance officer (next logical step before a further one to HKMA....considering the stupidity of many staff there) listing all the OUTSTANDING flaws, I saw my wife rushing into my office phone in hand on the line with Bank Bank Bank Of China totally ballistic about the SUBSTANCE and FORM of the points from the person that was on the phone with her.
The extremely bad news is that my wife is really a people's person (and well known for sure !!) who is multi-banking (with decades in senior banking) and that the Bank Bank Bank Of China staff got her to blow a fuse asking VERY STUPID (by ANY standard) questions!
Sick, tired and disgusted by the total irrelevance of the questions (AI generated?), she hanged up.
I (the bad twisted guy in the family!) had to cool her down, give her water to drink, relax, take down notes (same consistent stupidities I heard) for further actions.
Whoever in a Senior position at Bank Bank Bank Of China knows who my wife is should really worry.
For whoever knows both of us, if I have to cool down my wife, then obviously some serious stupidities limits have been breached.
I think I will really enjoy the coming weeks!! Seriously, Marquis De Sade was a pxxxxy!!