Bank instrument 101
What is a Bank instrument?
Bank Instrument means any guarantee, indemnity, letter of credit (including any Import L/C and any standby letter of credit), tender bond, bid bond, performance bond or advance payment bond or any instrument of a similar nature (whether entailing autonomous, primary liability on the part of the issuer, or accessory, secondary liability) which is issued or to be issued by a Bank or a Correspondent Bank at the request of the Borrower pursuant to a Utilisation under a Bank Instrument Facility, in each case as the same may from time to time be supplemented, replaced or amended.?
Bank instruments are mostly used as collateral from a borrower to his bank identifying the Bank which has issued the bank instrument as a guarantor of a specific transaction that is currently going on or about to be finalized.
Bank instrument is not free and will never be free, yes the internet has its good side and bad side as so many misinformed people tend to go around requesting you send them bank instrument for free or against BPU. Yes, a lot of people have gone into the wrong hands, while some choose to be ignorant of the basics of finance.
The process of issuing a bank instrument from your local bank is mostly, for example, you want to manufacture a product in China and the manufacturer mandates you to pay him 10,000 USD, you go to your bank to send the manufacturer 10,000 USD to start producing this product which means you have to have the same amount in your bank account or if the manufacturer request for Letter of credit your bank will block your 10k USD and issue the letter credit to the manufacturer and plus charges of the LC. The manufacturer goes into production and ships your goods at the sighting of goods at your international waters, the manufacturer asks his bank to demand payment which the funds your bank have blocked within this period will be released to the manufacturer.
I repeat again no Bank will issue you free LC, SBLC, DLC or BG for free without you having that amount in the bank 100%. And that is where we come in as your financial consultant.
What we do is to issue you a Bank instrument to leverage situations where you do not have enough amount money to get that bank instrument from your bank to get your product or leverage your credit line. For example, you want to buy goods from china worth 10,000 USD and you do not have 10k in your account. we will issue you the LC or DLC on your behalf to the manufacturer bank at a lower % because your bank will need 100% of the same amount but we will charge you from 4-7% of the face value of the bank instrument needed.
We stand as 3rd party guarantee to activate your credit line, buy goods from Asia or any part of the world. We can issue ?DLC, LC, SBLC, BG and RWA
This note is basically for people who have an active credit line, importers, projects that basically need Bank instruments to leverage the facility you have .. Also, you must have some amount of money to be able to get this bank instrument it is not free.
I work with a group of people who own small banks across the globe that can issue this bank instrument at a small fraction compared to your regular banks which need 100% of the amount from you. if you do have any questions do not hesitate to message me for details. [email protected]