Bank of Chris
Chris Ryan
I help homebuyers and homeowners achieve long-term wealth with tailored home loan solutions | (301) 335-6082 | NMLS #537409 | PPLSI Group Benefits Specialist (LegalShield and IDShield)
This week's edition is inspired by the "trueish" Bank of Dave movie I saw this past week on Netflix. Without divulging too much of the plot, it chronicles the life of Dave Fishwick, a self-made millionaire from Burnley UK. Dave is beloved in his community for his altruism and is encouraged to take on the rigid London UK banking authorities in his quest to start a community bank.
Although I don't lend my own capital, my employer makes it possible for buyers to realize their dreams of home ownership. "Lending" takes on more than one form. I lend my years of lending experience to hear what buyers want and devise an appropriate solution. I lend a compassionate spirit because not all desires go fulfilled in the home buying experience. Buyers may miss out on several properties for a variety of reasons before landing one. One of my more uplifting responses when I hear of a rejected offer is "we'll be ready for the next one!". I lend a congratulatory nature when a client's offer is accepted. It's rewarding to see when the legwork done in advance pays off handsomely. The lending doesn't stop at the conclusion of a transaction. I want to be a source of information. If I can't provide the answer, I aim to find someone who can.
We're all "banks" in a way. We all possess "capital" to make someone else's life better. It could be acting as a mentor for someone seeking help. It may be a smile and positive words of encouragement for someone who can't provide you as much in return. It may require you to forfeit an activity in order to improve the situation of another whether it be physically, emotionally or spiritually.
Back to "Dave" for just a minute. Music lovers will get a kick out of the various musical scenes that compliment Dave's pursuit. I found myself humming certain songs in the days after the viewing. I've recommended it to others and many have shared how much they enjoyed it. Don't we all deserve something that invigorates faith in humanity?
Thought for the week and beyond: "If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you." - Zig Ziglar
"Refinancing or Buying, Contact Chris Ryan!"