Is the B.A.N.I world throwing us off balance?
Lakshmi Ramachandran, PhD
Powering people in science and technology to lead and live well | Scientist turned award-winning leadership coach| SG 40-over-40 | HBR Advisory Council | EGN Chair| Enoughness Mindset Architect
Our world- In a Nutshell (of acronyms)
The business world has seen an increase in the use of acronyms to describe the ever-changing landscape. Terms such as V.U.C.A, R.U.P.T., T.U.N.A, and B.A.N.I have become commonplace:
V.U.C.A (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous)
R.U.P.T. (Rapid, Unpredictable, Paradoxical, Tangled)
T.U.N.A (Turbulent, Uncertain, Novel, Ambiguous)
B.A.N.I (Brittle, Anxious, Non-Linear, Incomprehensible)
I (I bet you too) had just about grappled with the term V.U.C.A, which described the rapid disruption our world was already dealing with pre-pandemic, only to experience 'blur', 'meh' and a slew of new acronyms during and post-pandemic.
The focus has shifted from how companies can navigate the unknown to how ordinary individuals are responding to the rapid evolution of our world, over which we have little control. Words like burnout, overwhelm, mental well-being, connection, and empathy have become new buzzwords on the internet as humanity experiences a new awakening, with purpose seekers, spiritual advisors, and mental health experts emerging.
Despite the promises of productivity enhancements brought by AI and the digital revolution, people are experiencing exhaustion and decreased productivity due to information bombardment, fear of missing out (FOMO), and physical, mental, and emotional demands. Finding balance, let alone work-life balance, in these unprecedented times is challenging, as many struggle to stay employed.
It is indeed frustrating, annoying and disappointing when things go out of control. But that's the hard truth about the current situation in the world. Anything can happen that can throw one off balance. The acronym B.A.N.I coined by Jamais Cascio describes this very nature of the world and people as Brittle, Anxious, Non- Linear and Incomprehensible.
As per Jeroen Kraaijenbrink BANI should be seen as a reality check of people's current perception of the world. For instance, 'Brittle' challenges the illusion of strength- the perception that all is well and that we are immune to world problems. Similarly, 'Anxious' challenges the illusion of control, 'Non-Linear challenges the illusion of predictability and 'Incomprehensible' challenges the illusion of knowledge (more details in this Forbes article .)
The fact is that the world was always like this. Change is and has been the only constant. The only difference is that the pandemic, which affected every single person on the planet, rich or poor, ignorant or knowledgeable, brought up our collective awareness of the transient and highly unpredictable nature of life.
While more and more people have begun to appreciate this, many more are struggling to find that spark and joy in life. Our current definition of finding balance and joy is to go on a vacation, party, watch Netflix, go to the Cinema, or play games. But the truth is that all these only bring momentary respite.
The moment one is back facing the realities, it's not fun anymore.
How then to find balance, joy and the spark for living in a B.A.N.I world?
Brittle to Buoyant
In 2018, when floods ravaged our homes in Kerala, we found ourselves desperately trying to stay afloat. We left behind all that we had accumulated in our lifetime, including our money, jewellery, and important documents, as our houses were inundated. However, we soon realised that life is the most valuable asset one can possess.
During those trying times, our basic human needs took centre stage, and we found solace in the simplest of things. Sleeping on the floor, eating and drinking only what was necessary, and sharing with our friends who welcomed us warmly into their homes brought us immense joy.
This experience taught us that material wealth does not guarantee happiness. The constant desire for more only brings chaos and discontent. True joy and peace come from appreciating what we have and nurturing our connections with others.
In times of adversity, it is crucial to stay afloat and alive. That is why I say BRITTLE to BUOYANT. The word buoyant has two meanings: the ability to stay afloat and a cheerful, optimistic attitude. We should strive for both. To achieve this, take a moment to appreciate all that you still have. Consciously redraw the frown to a smile. Let's not wait for the future to be happy. Let's be happy NOW!
Anxious to Acceptance
I remember experiencing anxiety attacks the night our house flooded. As I looked down the stairs, I was shocked to see muddy water gushing through the first floor, furniture, and my kids' toys floating in the water. Panic attacks were a new experience for me, with heavy breathing, racing heart, and stomach rumbling, leading me to freeze mode. I couldn't think, meditate, or sleep. The same was true for my mother and grandparents.
However, my husband, father, and children were blissfully sleeping despite the chaos. I woke my husband up, asking him to do something. He said, "There's practically nothing we can do right now. The water level won't rise to the second floor. We are safe tonight. Just sleep so that we have enough energy to do what is needed tomorrow morning."
I was dumbstruck by his calm approach and attitude. In retrospect, he was right. He had accepted the reality and opted to conserve his energy so that we could make the best decisions and take the right action the next day, which we did.
Anxiety in adversity is a normal human response designed to help one fight or escape an adverse situation. But extreme anxiety can cause one to freeze, which works against us. In my case, once I accepted the reality of the problem, I switched from freeze to flee, enabling rational and strategic thinking to help us out of that situation.
Therefore, while it's understandable to feel anxious during uncertain times, it's important to accept the reality of the current situation instead of denying it. For example, if you're concerned about the possibility of losing your job, it's crucial to acknowledge that it's a potential reality. By shifting your focus from worrying to "what's next?" you can start exploring the best course of action to take. This acceptance opens up possibilities for creative problem-solving and taking proactive steps towards securing your future.
Non - Linear to Networked
In today's world, it has become increasingly difficult to predict what lies ahead, be it in our personal or professional lives. With life events and career trajectories becoming more non-linear, our network of human connections is what we can rely on when we're uncertain about what's next.
It was a call from an old friend the following day that helped us evacuate from our flooded house to safety. I was trying relentlessly to find help that morning. I even put up a post on Facebook, desperate for help. Thankfully, a friend who was living nearby but on the hilly side of the town that was unaffected by the floods called and offered her place to stay despite them having two other families with them. That motivated us to tread the chest-high flooded waters and walk a risky few kilometers down the road to safety.
Here's the link to my blog on the experience of the flood:
In such times of uncertainty, our network of connections can provide us with access to resources, be it for professional or personal needs. This is why it's important to recognize that no man is an island and to build relationships and connections with others. Moreover, our network can provide emotional support during challenging times, helping us feel less isolated and overwhelmed.
Overall, having a network of connections can provide us with a sense of community, support, and collaboration that can be incredibly valuable in navigating today's complex and non-linear world. By building and nurturing these connections, we can navigate the uncertainty of life with greater ease and resilience.
Incomprehensible to Inward focus
When the flood happened, we were all left with one haunting question in our minds: "How could this happen to us?" It was incomprehensible and hard to make sense of. However, we soon realized that finding an answer to this question was not going to bring us any comfort or resolution. Instead, we found solace in letting go of the need to control, the need to blame, and the need to feed our egos. It was through this ultimate surrender to the power of Nature that we were able to look inward with gratitude.
By focusing on our inner selves, we developed a sense of strength and resilience. Connecting with our own values and beliefs helped us find a sense of purpose and meaning amid the chaos. This inner focus allowed us to stay grounded and focused, even when everything around us seemed uncertain and confusing.
In times of crisis, it can be tempting to search for external reasons or explanations for what has happened. However, looking inward and connecting with our own values and beliefs can help us find a sense of purpose and meaning, and ultimately help us navigate difficult situations with resilience and grace.
In conclusion, the B.A.N.I world is characterized by brittleness, anxiety, non-linearity, and incomprehensibility. To find balance, joy, and the spark for living in such a world, we must redefine these words to mean buoyancy, acceptance, networked, and inward focus. We need to learn to appreciate what we have, build a network of human connections, accept the reality of the situation, and let go of the need to control everything. By doing so, we can find peace, joy, and resilience in the face of adversity. Life is uncertain, but by redefining B.A.N.I, we can learn to navigate the unpredictability of life with ease and optimism.
I am dedicated to inspiring and coaching individuals to lead a life that is both productive and fulfilling. My name is Lakshmi Ramachandran, and I hold a PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology from a prestigious US university. With more than two decades of experience in science careers, I have overcome various personal and professional challenges to arrive at my Ikigai.
My purpose in life is to share my knowledge, expertise, and life experiences with others, empowering them to lead a fulfilling and productive life. Join me on this journey to P.O.W.E.R UP as we explore topics such as career development, skill enhancement, and well-being. Together, we can achieve your goals and unlock your true potential.
Student at Bugema University
1 个月I am a Master of Chaplaincy student at Adventist University Of Africa. I am synthesizing some literature on BANI, and I am very happy with your work. Your article on BANI has impressed me. Kindly allow me to use part of it for my Thesis proposal.
Co-Founder & CEO @ Addlly AI | Gen AI Entrepreneur | LinkedIn Top Voice
1 年Very true Lakshmi Ramachandran, PhD . A new perspective can change the way we react to the changes around us. Enjoyed reading it.
lovely perspective. Enjoyed the read and and the perspective.
Organizational Consultant & Trainer???Expertise in Cultural Diversity & Global Leadership???Professional Speaker & Author???Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Certified Facilitator???Founder of Global Mindset???DEI Advocate
1 年Thank you for sharing your wisdom, Lakshmi Ramachandran, PhD!. Investing in our internal growth is just as important as investing in external factors like technology. If we truly prioritize our personal development on a similar scale to external advancements, the world will definitely become a better place! ??