Bangoberry Brand set for Big Launch
With a longstanding reputation for building industry-defying character brands (Bang on the Door, Gorjuss) Santoro are poised to do it again with their latest creation - BANGOBERRY!
Meet the first pair of characters from the ‘Bango Bunch’: Piggy Pig & Pally Panda (each with their own adorable character profiles) across over 90 SKUs - making this Santoro’s biggest debut collection to date. Following an overwhelming response from Distributors, Licensees & Retailers alike at Insights-X, BLE, Toy Fair & Spring Fair - the cuddly, collectable range of bags, stationery & gifts will be hitting retail shelves imminently... to much anticipation!
“Initial response to the trade launch has surpassed all expectations, and we’re excited to see the in-store reactions from consumers. We’re expecting big things for the world of Bangoberry!” - Lucio Santoro, CEO.
Always ones to focus on quality, detail and collectability; Santoro have woven in a unique layer of fun to the brand with their inclusion of Bangobobs; rubber charms with hidden meanings for fans to collect, swap and personalise their Bangoberry items with.
For more information visit or contact the team to enquire about retail, distribution & licensing opportunities! [email protected]