Bangladesh Labour Rules 2015 Amendment (Vol. 3)
Tokyo Consulting Firm Bangladesh
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Bangladesh Labour Rules 2015 Amendment (Vol. 3)
The government has amended the Bangladesh Labour Rules 2015. The government issued a gazette of amended Labour Rules on September 1, 2022 bringing changes in 99 rules and repealing two rules. By this newsletter, we would like to enlighten some important areas of labor regulations which are affected by the recent amendment of Bangladesh Labour Rules 2015.
Responsibilities and Power of Director General of Labor:
As per Bangladesh Labour Act. 2006 and section-317, the Director General of labor or any other officer assigned by him may exercise some power and responsibilities mentioned in the rules. Additionally, some responsibilities have been added in the rules which will also be played by Director General of Labour or any authorized person by him. The responsibilities are given below:
(I) If any complaint is raised in the Department of Labor regarding any complication related with the election of a Trade union, CBA or federation, in this regard within 30 (thirty) days of receiving the complaint, the concerned union or federation and the complainants shall be consulted within the next 30 (Thirty) days in accordance with the constitution of the concerned union or federation and as per the labor law. Also, will provide instructions to complete the election within 30 (Thirty) working days;
(J) Filing complaints with the Labor Court for taking necessary legal decisions in relation to the union or federation referred to the clause (I)
(K) Taking different initiatives in order to improve the quality of life of workers, and other various activities including medical, maternity welfare facilities, family planning activities, recreation, social security, labor administration related research and statistical activities etc.
Bangladesh Labour Rules (Amended): 350