Bangkok Dispatch: 4 ways to make #deals coming out of the pandemic
#Thailand 's tourism industry is finally on its way of recovery – for now. After removing quarantine and other pre-arrival requirements, visitor arrival numbers have almost doubled in July over June 2022. This gives the market a much-needed respite after years of battering from the pandemic. Notably, Malaysia has generated the largest number of visitor arrivals year-to-date at close to 400,000 visitors, closely followed by India at around 350,000 visitors. Singapore, the UK and United States rounded out the top 5 at 150,000 to 175,000 visitors.
While the increase in travelers bodes well for a recovery, the big push will only come once China and Russia resume outbound travel and overall the numbers are still far off from pre-pandemic levels. Needless to say, getting to that level may take quite some time. Until then the market will be highly competitive. While rates can only go so low (and more operators realize discounting does not stimulate demand), a changed consumer behavior points towards further challenges for independent hotels. The current mix of source markets and travelers appear to be more brand conscious and members of loyalty programs. Advantage big chains with strong programs. The catch for hotel owners is that not all operators have the same presence in the market. Those with a strong or concentrated presence may not be able to drive as much loyalty demand to any single property. At the same time, OTAs continue to charge high commissions and at times of lower rates that hurts independent properties. Pre-COVID, those properties were able to generate their business from OTAs and tour operators. Coming out of the pandemic, this formula is broken until further notice, posing a major challenge to owners.
The larger independent hotels in the market are usually more than ten or even twenty years old and as classic full-service properties they pre-date the boutique era. They may be well-maintained, yet their appearance is dated and often in need of a refurb. After all, in a hyper-competitive market, location and product are critical, particularly when branding is not available, and the facilities are often one and the same. While finding a brand may be relatively easy, a good one will certainly require a degree of capital expenditures (CapEx).
At the same time, the owners of independent hotels who have made it through the pandemic may have seen their cash reserves reduced and uncertainties about the pace of recovery prevails. This presents a unique predicament in the flavor of “damned if you do and damned if you don’t”.
For these independent hotels, the options are four-fold:
AP Hospitality Advisors regularly advises owners and investors on their hotel real estate assets and projects. Should any of the four options above speak to you – on either side of the table – do get in touch with us: [email protected] . We would be happy to have a conversation about your specific requirements.