Bang! Bang! . . . Bang! The Deadly American Shootings

Bang! Bang! . . . Bang!??The Deadly American Shootings

Are you still wondering why we are having these shootings – sometimes resulting in multiple deaths and injuries – whereas we did not have them until recently (the past 30 years)?

What changed, we ask? The answer is our education system. The guns were always there but the mindset of Americans has been altered – intentionally.

We no longer teach the morals that brought America to become the land the world envies; the land of milk and honey; the land of freedom.

We no longer teach about the sacrifices made by those who valued free speech, the freedom of religion, the ability to go wherever one pleased. America was a land of abundance and is becoming a land of shortages and destructive inflation. It was not that way before Biden. There used to be joy.

We no longer teach about the sacrifices made by those who signed the Declaration of Independence; that they lost their fortunes and lives because they stood up and were counted as people who deigned they were free to be as God granted them to be. We no longer teach about the heroics of Patrick Henry and Nathan Hale and their memorable last words; about the conditions soldiers endured to secure and maintain an America in which one could bring up their children to become whatever they saw as their future.

We no longer teach good from evil because the Left has taken over our education and the Left cares only about the power they can exert over the masses; about maintaining their elitist status; about luxuriating on the backs of the hoi polloi who toil without just rewards and without the God-given freedoms for which America has become known and is quickly losing. The Left is evil.

The Left wants to control you and everyone and everything and will stop at nothing to attain such absolute authoritarian power. They will enslave the population and destroy whatever stands in their way. It has happened in many countries around the world and is happening now in America. Unless you – you! – make your voice heard, your children stand no chance at being free; no chance at enjoying the wonders of the world God gave to us; no chance of developing themselves as individuals and being creative.

This land from sea to shining sea will be lawless and you will have no power against the criminal element which will run rampant because the government took away your arms – but did not do that to the criminals. Nor will you be able to defend yourself against a tyrannical government the Left wants to become and that is by design.

If you do not vote the Democrats out of government in November, you will never again have the chance to do so and will condemn you and your children – and their children – to lives of misery, despair, fruitlessness and the desire to commit suicide.

Do not for one moment think that you are the elite. You are definitely not. You and your children will be the population that is stepped upon with iron boots, ruled with spiked fists, smothered and starved into submission. Your religion will be forbidden. You will be made defenseless and powerless; a have-not.

You have one and only one chance – a last chance – and that is your vote in November. You will get the government you allow.?


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