"Bandhana, story of a brave soul who refused to give up."
Life is never fair for everyone or never will be. Life itself is a mystery which is hardly be solved. Yet a few people can do it by fighting hard against on the battle of life but they are far from being normal humans hence we remember those individuals for their stories of lever giving up on life.
Many people lose the battle of life and surrender themselves to the sheer uncertainty. Therefore, we accept the defeat and live life because death appears to be fearful for us. We all want to live but life does not always play according to rules rather life has always some other plans for us which we can not foresee. We can merely complaint about the outcomes, thats it, then either we have to accept them or try to change them. However, usually we are too small to challenge them; so the better idea is to accept and start working for better results.
On the contrary, few people never give up on life but keep the fight on and find their own ways going beyond all the adversities of life. They know their limitations however they make a way and try to live to the fullest.
Here I would like to tell you a story of such a person whose life is not normal like others but she has managed her life well than any other normal person.
Bandhana Sinha, met the worst accident of her life in 2013. She fell from a three stored building and became paralyzed on her lower part of the body. After that, she cannot walk or move properly. She needed assistance for a daily chores for few years and then gradually she fought back to normalcy. It is the story of a fighter, a courageous soul , a dreamer.
Initials years were tough for her, she was too young to comprehend the severity of the whole incident. Her limitations , her difficulties were taking a toll on her but gradually things started to change in a different direction. As she was growing up she started accepting the reality and act accordingly. Slowly she began to restart her life in a new way leaving behind all her insecurities and drawbacks.
She was an avid reader since her childhood and also had keen interest in writing. So, she rejuvenated her life putting her interests back and eventually they have become a part of her. In her writings she expresses her emotions her desires and dreams. Currently she is working on her first publication , she has a secret wish to publish her own book in coming days. Alongside, she also does recitation of poems on regular basis on her Facebook page.
Her few lines,
“Perhaps I will disappear,
However, in the muses, sound or in reminiscence someone may find me,
Reality is, the world shall continue as it as,
In the grandeur of the waves my existence will just like be a bubble”
In some point of life she developed an inclination towards religion and spirituality. Since then, she began to start reading and often does online live sessions on “Bhagavad Gita” and other religious texts.
Last but not least, in recent past she has worked on multiple Short Films and Dramas. Her recently short film, “Alo Amar Alo”, directed by “Shuvashish Samir” was liked and appreciated by many. People loved her acting and praised her brilliant performance. Few of her projects are yet to be released. Her creative endeavors are keeping her busy and maybe inspiring her to live with more positivity.
Bandhana’s story teaches us a great lesson according to me. She teaches us a valuable lesson that the willpower is the thing which can make you do anything and a person can transform his or her life completely with utmost dedication and a positive mindset. Also, in life never accept the defeat until you are dead. Life will take many things from you but also it will give you many things in return in various ways; you just need to be prepared to accept it and dream for a better tomorrow. Because, life is all about hope and optimism which reflects on her words,
She writes,
“No matter how difficult the journey is, a resilient mind can tackle all the adversaries.
Never let yourself lose in the process because you are your biggest strength.
There is no glory in incompetence, courage and determination are the real characters that you possess”.
Fabled and clicked by Shubhro Sinha.
Few lines written by Bandhana were translated from Bangla to English by Shubhro Sinha.