Bamidbar newsletter
Moshe Neuwirth
Let's connect to our inner Divine light & energy! Speaker, Author, Therapist & Singer.
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The Midrash says: “The Torah is called ‘B’Midbar’ which means in a ‘dessert’”, because in order to acquire Torah, you have to transcend yourself – make yourself free to HaShem - like a dessert is free for everyone, as it says (Jeremiah 2, 2):
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Go and call out in the ears of Jerusalem, saying: so said HaShem: I remember to you the lovingkindness of your youth, the love of your nuptials, your following Me in the desert, in a land not sown.
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The Sefas Emes explains that ‘Am Yisrael’ pursuing G-D and striving for G-Dliness even without knowing nothing about Him – before receiving the Torah, proves and substantiates the intrinsic and innate love and affection every Jew has towards G-D, and this applies to each and everyone of us, since our profound and essential love to G-D is equivalent and identical (even though not on the outer fa?ade , but definitely within ourselves, as written in Tanya 18).
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As it says by Matan Torah (Shemos – Exodus 19, 8):
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And all the people replied in unison and said, "All that HaShem has spoken we shall do!" and Moshe took the words of the people back to HaShem.
And the Mechilta says, that they all said it in one, without anyone hinting to the other what to say, this is because the love is so inherent and deep rooted.
And this is the reason that the Yidden said ‘Naase’ before, hence, naturally we are transcendence in order to serve HaShem.
Written by Moshe Neuwirth