A ballad - When your self driving car runs away
This is a harbinger of things to come. Visualize it as a country (Western) music video a few years from now.
My self driving truck left me alone,
I looked out the bar and it was gone.
Left me high & dry on a sunny day,
Did it or did I lose my way?
A country boy’s truck is his life,
Who he loves more than his wife.
It’s been my partner in crime,
What am I to do this time?
I can’t help but think it’s a hack,
All I want is my baby back.
But I don’t know what to do,
Where did my truck go to?
Once when my gal went away,
I knew how to make her heart sway.
But my truck’s heart’s Silicon,
I don’t know if it’s off or on.
I remember the good ol’ days,
When we drove long ways.
Never thought a day would come,
When my truck would leave me for someone.
If you are listening O’ Internet of Things,
Tell my truck for her my heart sings
Would do anything to get her back,
& fix it to stop another hack.
I wait as day turned into night,
In the distance I see a shimmering light.
Could it be? Could it be?
The one who is meant to be?
Oh yeah it is the cowboy’s ride,
Six feet tall and 7 feet wide.
Puts a smile back on my face,
And my heart begins to race.
It parallel parks in front of me,
What has happened is history.
My self driving truck ran away,
But she is back at the end of day.
For y’all wanting a self driving car,
What if she went too far?
And never came back to you,
What would you then do?
In a world run by code,
Don’t be stranded on a dark road.
Do you wish for a simple time?
I do, it’s a wish of mine.
COPYRIGHT - Gurpreet Singh Bhasin