The Balcony

The Balcony

What’s your favorite seat at a concert, live theater or sporting event??Do you prefer being in the front row or do you like to take in the full picture from an upper level??Are you willing to pay more for a prime location and viewing experience??What if you could change your seat mid-event??Did you know that theater directors often sit in many different seats during rehearsal so they can see and hear the play from many different audience member’s perspectives??Can each member of the audience see and hear everything clearly and have an equal experience no matter where they sit??Have you ever encountered a leader who only sat in the balcony and looked down on what was happening??Guiding from the upper level without knowing exactly what was happening in the pit??Does it surprise you that I like to sit close no matter the experience??Where do you need to sit closer to a project, a team or an individual???


