Balast Suyu Kay?t Gereklili?i / Ballast Water Record Requirements
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MEPC 80, BWM S?zle?mesinin ?lave II'sine (Balast Suyu Kay?t Defteri Formu) ili?kin de?i?iklikleri karar MEPC 369(80) ile 01 ?ubat 2025 yürürlü?e girecek ?ekilde kabul etmi?tir. De?i?ikli?e g?re; balast alma ve balast bo?altma kay?tlar? ayr?nt?l? hale getirildi, balast tank? temizleme/y?kama, ??keltilerin uzakla?t?r?lmas? ve bertaraf?na ili?kin kay?t gereklilikleri eklendi ve balast operasyonlar?n?n türünü belirlemek i?in harf kodu eklenmi?tir. ?
Ayr?ca Balast Suyu Y?netimi ve Balast Suyu Y?netim Planlar?n?n Geli?tirilmesine ili?kin K?lavuzlarda (G4) (Res. MEPC.370(80)) ve Balast suyu de?i?imine ili?kin K?lavuzlarda (G6) (Res. MEPC.371(80) ilgili de?i?iklikler yap?lm??t?r. ?
BWM S?zle?mesi kapsam?nda kay?t tutma ve raporlama sürecine a??kl?k getirmeye yard?mc? olmak i?in Balast suyu kay?tlar?n?n tutulmas? ve raporlanmas?na ili?kin rehber (BWM.2/Circ.80), geli?tirilmi?tir. MEPC 82, zorlu su kalitesi ko?ullar?yla ilgili operasyonel senaryolar?n kaydedilmesine ili?kin rehberi de i?erecek ?ekilde Rehberi revize etmi?tir.(BWM.2/Circ.80/Rev.1).
Elektronik Kay?t Defteri ?
MEPC 383(81) ile kabul edilen kural B-2 paragraf 1 ve 5 de?i?ikli?ine g?re, elektronik balast suyu kay?t defteri kullan?lmas?na 01 Ekim 2025 itibariyle izin verilmi?tir. Ayr?ca, Kural A-1 elektronik kay?t defteri tan?m?n?n eklenmesi i?in de?i?tirilmi?tir. Elektronik kay?t defterleri, BWM S?zle?mesi kapsam?nda elektronik kay?t defterlerinin kullan?m?na ili?kin K?lavuz (de?i?tirilebilir haliyle MEPC.372(80) karar?) dikkate al?narak ?dare taraf?ndan onaylanacakt?r. ?
?neriler ?
BWRB, 01 ?ubat 2025 itibariyle MEPC 369(70)'e uygun olarak güncellenecektir. Ayr?ca BWMP, kararlar ve sirkülerler eklenerek veya güncellenmi? Balast Suyu Y?netim Plan? ?ablonu kullan?larak (güncellenmi? ?ablona bak?n?z) revize edilmelidir. Ancak, plan?n yeniden onaylanmas? beklenmemektedir. ?
Elektronik kay?t defteri ile ilgili olarak, gemiye te?hiz edilen bütün elektronik kay?t sistemleri, MEPC.372(80)'e uygun olarak onaylanmal?d?r ve bayrak ?daresi veya RO taraf?ndan verilen uygunluk belgesi, 01 Ekim 2025 itibariyle gemide bulundurulacakt?r.
MEPC.369(80) - Amendments to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 - Amendments to Appendix II (Form of Ballast Water Record Book)
MEPC 370(80) - Amendments to the Guidelines for ballast water management and development of Ballast Water Management Plans (G4) (resolution MEPC.127(53), amended by resolution MEPC.306(73))
MEPC.371(80) - Amendments to the 2017 Guidelines for ballast water exchange (G6) BWM.2/Circ.80/Rev.1 - 2024 Guidance on ballast water record-keeping and reporting MEPC.372(80) - Guidelines for the use of electronic record books under the BWM Convention MEPC.383(81) - Amendments to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 - Amendments to regulations A-1 and B-2 - (Use of electronic record books)
Ballast Water Record Requirements
MEPC 80 adopted the amendments to Appendix II (Form of Ballast Water Record Book) of the BWM Convention by resolution MEPC 369(80) with an entry into force 01 February 2025. According to this amendment; records for ballasting and de-ballasting were detailed, record requirements for ballast tank cleaning/flushing, removal and disposal of sediments were added and letter code was added to identify type of ballast operations. ?
Also consequential amendments have been made to the Guidelines for ballast water management and development of Ballast Water Management Plans (G4) (Res. MEPC.370(80)) and the Guidelines for ballast water exchange (G6) (Res. MEPC.371(80)). ?
Guidance on ballast water record-keeping and reporting (BWM.2/Circ.80) was developed to assist in bringing clarity to the record-keeping and reporting process under the BWM Convention at MEPC 80. The Circular was revised at MEPC 82 (BWM.2/Circ.80/Rev.1) to incorporate guidance on recording operational scenarios related to challenging water quality conditions. ?
Electronic Record Book ?
According to amendment of regulation B-2, paragraphs 1 and 5 adopted by MEPC 383(81), the use of electronic ballast water record book is allowed by 01 October 2025. Moreover, Regulation A-1 was amended to add definition of electronic record book. It is important to note that electronic record books shall be approved by the Administration taking into account the Guidelines for the use of electronic record books under the BWM Convention (resolution MEPC.372(80), as may be amended). ?
Recommendations ?
BWRB shall be updated in accordance with MEPC 369(70) by 01 February 2025. Also BWMP should be revised by adding resolutions and circular or using updated Ballast Water Management Plan template (see updated template). However, re-approval of the plan is not expected. ? Regarding to electronic record book, any electronic record system installed to ship shall be approved in accordance with MEPC.372(80) and declaration issued by the flag Administration or RO shall available on board for the compliance by 01 October 2025. ?
References ?
MEPC.369(80) - Amendments to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 - Amendments to Appendix II (Form of Ballast Water Record Book)
MEPC 370(80) - Amendments to the Guidelines for ballast water management and development of Ballast Water Management Plans (G4) (resolution MEPC.127(53), amended by resolution MEPC.306(73))
MEPC.371(80) - Amendments to the 2017 Guidelines for ballast water exchange (G6) BWM.2/Circ.80/Rev.1 - 2024 Guidance on ballast water record-keeping and reporting MEPC.372(80) - Guidelines for the use of electronic record books under the BWM Convention MEPC.383(81) - Amendments to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 - Amendments to regulations A-1 and B-2 - (Use of electronic record books)
For further information
Principal Research and Rule Development Engineer
MARINE SECTOR? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
?Tel: +90 216 581 3805
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E-mail: [email protected]
Port State Control et Flag State Control Officer chez Administration maritime
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Master Chief Petty Officer - Turkish Coast Guard
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