Balancing feminine and masculine energies
Dr. Batul Diwan
Awaken to Align & ReDefine your Life || Helping Women Reconnect with Feminine Energy, Heal traumas, Regain lost Spark & Power by Inner work || Left (Scientist, Functional Nutrition)+Right (Thespian & Actor)Brain, aligned
In todays world most of us women are working professional. We require to operate from our masculine energies of actions, structure, focus, problem solving, finding utility, challenge and conquering and that's absolutely great.
But in this quest we are losing a major chunk of ourselves, loosing our own inherent power of creativity, receptivity, love, inclusion, calm, ease, joy, communication. And the sad part is most of us don't even recognize the problem.
I believe nurturing healthy masculine energy in us is absolutely awesome, It helps us achieve heights in career. But we definitely are going off-balance which is the root cause of our unfulfilled relationships. On top of that many of us have a lot of past and childhood traumas which complexifies the situation to another degree. Being self sufficient, ambitious, independent and empowered women doesn't mean we have to be aggressive or want to push our male counter parts away saying we don’t want them. If not verbally we definitely are communicating this by our all time dominant masculine energies.
Masculine and Feminine are polar opposite but at the same time complementary and there is no gender preference to it , we all need both of them and require to use them appropriately and in balance (talked about this in my previous article- Is Masculinity/Femininity same as Masculine Energy/Feminine Energy? Let's clear some misconceptions ! )
But we need to not loosen ourselves from time to time to start embracing back our feminine energies in order to keep the polarity in balance. This cannot be merely by thinking, you have to consciously know and practice to feel it because feminine is all about operating from logic, intuition and feelings. And one of the simplest way to start reassessing your feminine energy power is by allowing yourself to receive. Yes it is as simple as that but we are not even able to receive because we think we are either not worthy or we are not safe or we are too self sufficient hyper-independent to receive.
You all must have seen that female individual getting out of cab or stepping out of a bus with a huge suitcase in her hand and you thought to offer help. But all you heard is "Ohh, no, no, no, no, no, I'm fine, I'm alright, I don't need help, I can do it". Ha ha of course she can do it but in this brief incidence did you understood what she did, she denied the help coming her way which could have made her task so much easier. She was unable to receive!
Most potent form of gratitude as per Dr. Huberman?is also by receiving gratitude than giving one. Ability to receiving is extremely powerful, yet to receive from man is hardest thing for women now a days.
So receive and accept if someone is trying to help you, complement you, gift or anything else they want to offer or provide, because receiving is essential for thriving in feminine energy and feminine energy is essential for life.
And how do you do so?
By receiving with Joy, Gratitude, Love and Appreciation. And this by no means should be coming from the place of entitlement or arrogance or extractive mindset. Remember intention always matters !
Masculine and feminine should be valued and used by all of us equally to continue life to collaborate, cooperate and create a shared and beautiful world together. So my females start embracing your essence because we don't need a world full of masculine energy we need a balance.