Balancing Act - Relationships Matter
Thomas Wiegand, Chief Miracle Inspirer
LinkedIn Top "Relationships-First Culture Coach" on Winning Hearts, Exceeding Expectations, Video Validating Each Other & Facts Proving YOU, a " Hero Miracle Inspirer" All Will Imitate, Reciprocate & Duplicate
Timothy F. Bednarz, Ph.D. wrote an excellent article in RV PRO Magazine's August, 2017 issue titled: Balancing Act - Relationships are the key to long-term success. Dr. Bednarz is the author of 125 books on training and leadership. You can read this must-read article here:
Great leaders focus first and always on Relationships-First. They invest in, create, cause and deliver on emotional "want" balance. Businesses operate principally within rational "need" balance, of which sales and service processes lead to desired revenue and profits. Nevertheless, it's been proven time-and-again that from emotional balance comes results beyond expectations.
These leaders know in their heart that being #1 at being #2 selflessly serving everyone unconditionally is the secret to exceeding both Employee and Customer Experience Expectations and Relationships.
What each of us don't give enough credit to is that there is a "Great Leader" in each of us, when we have the freedom to always keep Relationships-first!
Where there is emotional balance, most all Employees and Customers want in on this culture. Where there is rational imbalance, there is dysfunction. Which exists in your business?
Conventional Western Business Model is not only outdated, but will very likely see it's utter demise within the next year or two. The sooner every business converts to Relationship-First Business Model everyone wins more.
Why can I say this with such conviction? It's not a threat or a prediction. It's known as "The Internet of Things" or IoT, or some call it "The Internet of Everything" or IoE. IoT is here and moving at warp speed. IoT refers to devices that collect and transmit data via the Internet. ATM's were some of the first IoT objects as far back as 1974. Back in 2008, there were already more objects connected to the Internet than people. By 2020 vehicles will be connected to the Internet and self-driving cars will be right behind. Global wearable devices are here. Connected kitchens are coming. The IoT will add $15 Trillion to the global GDP over the next generation.
With IoT there are limitless opportunities for business & society. This year we will have 4.9 billion connected things. Welcome to the IoT world where connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (and/or to each other). The new rule will be anything and anyone that can be and wants to be connected will be.
Dr. Bednarz rightly shares in his article success stories of leaders who chose Relationships-First over profits and shareholder value and their long-term success over short-term negatives to profits and shareholder value, while also sharing failed leadership examples of those who went after short-term profits and failed miserably long-term.
Relationships matter more than any other factor of life and business!
Within IoT is another new term to many, called WebRTC, for Web Real-Time Communications, more specifically, Web Video Real-Time Communication, from browser to browser, no plug ins or downloads, and very inexpensive. One just needs and internet connection and a camera.
Why is WebRTC so, so important at this very moment today to each and every one of us? Simply put, WebRTC offers up bi-directional business model, communications and relationships, rather than single directional western management business model. Many of us have heard the term and even said it once or twice: "The Customer Is In Charge," BUT, now they really are!
WebRTC offers EVERYONE the same equal opportunity to go Live Video with anyone on any device to any device and video validate persons and facts, sharing screens and desktop, recording everything. WebRTC isn't a business one-way business tool, though anyone can try to make it out to be. WebRTC is every bit a customer relationship and validation tool as it is business. EVERYONE is on the same equal playing field here, and it is here TODAY!
Human to Human interaction just got truth, not truth or consequence, just truth!
Why must every business flip flop their business model to Customer/Employee at the top? Because they are at the top now. Try to push them to the bottom, you'll push your business to the bottom. And it will happen faster than you can react.
I refer to this new technology as the 'Internet of Live Video' IoLV. Talk Fusion invented and patented WebRTC video communications first. WebRTC provides instanteous Live Video from any device to every device with a click of a button. IoLV provides simple conversion from a Live Video Chat to Live Streaming and Conferencing to share desktop, documents, complete orders, all within the customer & employee of business in complete charge of the "Experience" they are providing each other.
Being first matters! Patenting your inventions matters! Talk Fusion did such! Personally, I have been an avid Talk Fusion product user and beta tester of their inventions for five and a half years now. Learning the products is not difficult. Using them within best-example habits can be challenging. This is where we will help businesses, their teams, and their customers learn, appreciate and value EVERY communication and relationship be started and completed with Talk Fusion IoLV.
As Dr. Bednarz states: "Relationships are the key to long-term success." Relationships are the key to short-term success now more than ever. Video Branding Relationships will become an every day habit of persons of business and customers as customers become loyal to the persons of business they now trust and are loyal with. Video Branding Relationships will be the #1 strategic advantage going forward now for both Persons of Business and Customers. Video Branding Relationships will be the the #1 source of new customer business as Persons Of Business and business have personal branding pages on their website for raving loyal fans to rave about each other for other prospective customers to come to value.
Welcome to this new world of IoT and IoLV and WebRTC. 1TeamSynergy doesn't claim to be experts. We claim to be users, practitioners, sharers, inspiring everyone to do what we've learned and practiced and delivered ourselves.
Relationships, like balance are not something you find, they are something you create, nurture and promise to keep building and protecting. It's not so much a balancing act as it is a balancing PROMISE! Relationships-First and always!
Tom Wiegand, 1TeamSynergy, [email protected], 443-910-7702. We inspire businesses to inspire their people - we inspire Persons of Business to inspire their customers - We inspire Customers to inspire their Persons of Business to Video Validate each other and facts, purposely Exceeding each others Experience Expectations every time, becoming raving loyal fans of each other. We inspire Relationships-First and always. We inspire everyone using Talk Fusion WebRTC invention technologies to become the best version of themselves using these awesome Video Branding Relationship products to be "Bringing Our World Together" with every IoLV! We'll be honored to help and inspire you!