Balancing Act Performance
Balancing Act Performance || by: Ben Washburn
Here are some tips for you that will help you with a work project, assignment, task, any goals to achieve, juggling chores or just a refresher to remind us all to celebrate the act of performance with respect to balance.
· Focus on your details to achieve maximum performance daily without being disturbed by outside negative noise.
· Prioritize your top three priorities, goals and steps to achieve your top three. Do this first, before anything or anyone else and write down your goals and accomplished goals. Measuring both will help you with balance.
· Learn further your strengths and weaknesses. This will help you first and others next much better that need to feed off your energy and balance while performing at maximized effort.
· In times of deadlines, stress and deliverables, focus on your end goals first and then implement your performance and skill-sets. Remember, the details are critical yet rarely final so keep it simple when the going gets tough and visualize your end product and results.
· Remember your inner trusted circle of influence, mentors and respected opinions when needed.
· Turn it off, dial it down, reset and find maximized balance and remember this point is different for any and all individuals. What works for person “A” is never equal to balance and performance for person “B”, and that is OK.
· Celebrate your act! Celebrate your performance! Celebrate your balance! Praise, performance, rewards and incentives need recognized by your team, boss, self, family and clients to push you further towards excellence, your next win and your next task or goal.
This is what I have learned so far that has really helped me, my family, and in turn my clients allowing me to accept balance and performance while accomplishing many goals, projects, chores and assignments leaving me gratified and loving my final products and results.
{First published on 7/10/2019}