Balanced perception will help you to move from fixed mindset to growth mindset.

Balanced perception will help you to move from fixed mindset to growth mindset.

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When you focus your brain every day on survival stress responses your brain naturally narrows the focus this is called conversion focus the hormones of stress that amplify this process.

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And we know what you focus on will expand.

In neuroscience we know that brain is plastic and changes all the time we also know that genes dictate our potential and vulnerabilities but they don’t dictate our thoughts and feelings.?

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Now you are not in control of what you feel or that you feel until it is in your conscious awareness. You are not in control of your feelings but you are in charge of your thoughts.

Most people intuitively know that there’s a psychological component to ill-health and disease, and yet because it’s not mainstream, it’s often a challenge to find?quality information?that explains how thoughts and emotions impact physical health and wellbeing.

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How your perceptions impact your parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems:

-why imbalances in the mind result in imbalances in the body;

-how to balance your perceptions to bring back homeostasis and thus healing in the body.

-how to become aware of your fixed mindset and move to growth mindset.

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Remember you are the driver of?your car not your key!

Symptoms and illnesses are your intuition’s way of bringing to your awareness the aspects of situations that you are ignoring. You are somewhere out of balance, and you are ignoring it. Your biased evaluation based on faulty beliefs and fixed mindsets often override your intuition, leading you to hold on your one-sided views, and then, frequently the symptoms persist.

Nothing is every good or bad it is our perception, our faulty beliefs that makes us to see only one side of the situation. As long as you view the world in an imbalanced way, you will create physiological symptoms in your body intended to awaked your conscious mind to that created imbalance. There is not pain without pleasure, no happiness without sadness, no success without risking and making mistakes ?? .

When you view the word as once sided you minimize yourself, subordinate yourself to others thinking they are better and smarter then you , thinking they have more luck. Or the other way around you may feel resentful of someone who challenges you ( your highest values) . So instead of minimizing yourself you are exaggerating yourself and think that they are selfish, boring. ?

Remember that another person is only mirroring back to you your behavior, they don’t know what you think but they can feel, their intuition will mirror back to you , your behavior.

So then your value-based perceptions generate your feelings. Imbalanced perception leads you to label and judge events as good or bad that means you are giving your power away to someone or something saying that they are responsible for your sadness, anger, frustration, disappointment. You feel happy when events go your way, and you will frustrated, angry when they don’t. You are expecting someone or something to make you feel happy.

By contrast, whole and balanced feelings flow from a perspective that views the world and neutral, with positive and negative, pain and pleasure, embracing both sides.

And so what are those balanced feelings?

They are feeling of love, gratitude, inspiration, empowerment. These whole feelings will bring you wellness.

True mastery of mind results from wholehearted embrace of every event that occurs in your life. Instead of getting caught up in feelings happy when something is perceived as good to you or feeling sad if something is perceived bad to you , you unconditionally embrace all that happens.

Be aware this is not positive thinking! Positive thinking is ignoring unpleasant feelings and pretending that everything is rose! This is different to positive thinking. This is why positive thinking itself can never work!

Once we stop judging the world and simply embrace it as it is , because there is upside to each downside you may not have circuitry in your brain to see it , and there is down side to each upside, love and gratitude flow into our hearts and we feel inspired and empowered. This is the condition your body is in homeostatic state, natural state!

It is simply but not easy and 95% of people are not able to master it.

Why ?

Luck of understating who we are and where to look for our true potential , what are our highest values in life and how to live congruently with our highest values in life.

Cognitive dissonance starts when your external goals and values are not aligned with your internal beliefs, perceptions and values.

Like Bruce Lipton said in his book “ The Biology of belief” Positive thinking has profound effect on our behavior and genes but only when they in harmony with our subconscious program ( our automated nervous system).

Negative thoughts have and equally powerful effect. When we understand how this positive and negative beliefs control our biology, we can use this knowledge to create happy, healthy and fulfilled lives.

The more I learn the more I believe that if you don’t live in congruence with your highest values in life you are going to be out of balance and you will never experience happy and healthy life.

If your job duties are not fulfilling your highest values in life you will not be creative and productive , if your company mission and vision is only created for marketing purposes and not fulfilling your highest values as a leader or employee you will not be creative and productive , you will procrastinate and will make imbalanced decisions.

The hierarchy of your values dictates your destiny, as well as your company if you are a business owner.

?So, you don’t want sleepwalking living in phantasies of how you are going to lead your company. Your highest values are going to guide your company’s destination, because you are going to make decisions according to your highest and most meaningful values.

If you have challenges in determining your highest values maybe, you are living by someone else’s highest values reach out to me this is part of my neuro change course that I run we do this with my clients in the first part “Your purpose and flow statement”.?That’s were you need to start when you set your goals!

And I want to wrap up today talking about reward system and delaying gratification.

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Happiness is a habit of thought it is a choice! Same as anger, sadness and frustration is habit of thought it is a choice.

All habits no matter how big or small they are have three components, according to neurological studies:

a trigger for a particular behavior, a routine, which is the behavior itself and a reward, which is how your brain decides whether to remember a habit for the future.

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Reward system is vital in becoming successful your brain naturally focus on reward and releases happy hormones such as dopamine that will move you into more creative state. You can’t just work hour after hour without taking time to reward yourself this lead to burnout and anxiety.

Rewarding yourself will make you stronger and able to stick to your goal and delay bigger gratification for later.

For example, when you eat bar of chocolate don’t eat it when you work or watch TV take 15 min to savor your chocolate or your cup of tea, don’t eat your lunch in front of the screen. When you watch movie be present and enjoy the movie don’t multitask by folding clothe or cooking.

I love this advice form the author and Forbes magazine columnist Michel Simmons, who has studied the science of success : “ In a word where everyone is speeding up and cramming their schedule to get ahead, the modern knowledge worker should do the opposite : Slow down to speed up, work less, learn more , and think long term!

Understand when you narrow your focus on stress responses we call it conversion focus you let part of your primitive emotional brain ride you, this brain only does three things: run , hide and seek immediate gratification. When you are in this state you won’t be productive, you won’t be creative because your CEO, your executive brain is shut down there is no time to think you need to run and hide , you perceive that there is danger! When in reality there is not danger no one is going to kill you, or eat you!

When logic tries to battle emotions , emotions always wins ??

My question to you today to practice neuroplasticity of your brain is

If today is your last day on this planet. We never know what can happen we can’t control it. So if it is your last day today what you would be remembered for ? What legacy you are going to leave?

Would you like your kids to model your behaviors and your lifestyle? – because they do anyway. We all have mirror neurons, and we mirror other people’s behavior it is coded in our genes. Especially our parents because they are our caregivers from our little age.

I didn’t know for years that I have mirrored some of my dad’s behavior I didn’t like until I brought it to my conscious awareness and then changed it. It was coded in my genes, so I was like sleep walking until I was 40.

Mastering your mind doesn’t require lifetime. This is what I do in my neuro change course I help people to understand who they are on neuro-biological level to find their purpose, I help them to live by their highest values in life, asking people powerful questions I help them to balance their perception and dissolve their emotional baggage, I help them to?bring to their conscious awareness their blocks, limiting beliefs, fixed mindsets that are blocking them from achieving success, having loving relationship, having good health, even being fertile and experience abundance in their life.

Neuro Change method based on deep research-based tools from most of the mind sciences including neuroscience, epigenetics, social psychology and philosophy. It provides an understanding of the conscious mind’s ability to influence the mechanisms of the subconscious mind to go to work for us in everyday life.


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