A balanced, dual-track approach to digital transformation
The calendar has finally flipped to 2021…and yet, all of the business challenges of 2020 remain. And as digital transformation remains top of mind, companies looking to modernize have to be ready to face the challenges that are due to come. Organizations need to be ready to solve for changes quickly, whenever they may come, from anywhere in the business. They need to embrace operational agility
Leaders have been successfully implementing a dual-track approach to digital transformation as they make operational agility a top priority. The HBRAS report found that 69% of leader organizations utilize a dual-track approach, with only 47% of followers and 21% of laggards. With the ability to bring change and modernization from throughout the business and not just from IT, businesses users are empowered to solve the problems they are closest to.
These organizations “usually have a culture that supports the experimentation and the problem solving,”. “They’ll have the tools and governance needed to allow for business users to solve those problems.” With laggards missing the tools or the culture to give business users the power to innovate and make changes, they can only watch leaders nimbly solve for new challenges that crop up every day. And turning your team into a network of citizen developers will bring all of the great ideas and innovation from your organization to the forefront.