Many of us associate food with nutritious substances that we intake: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, salads, smoothies, raw juices, versus, the unhealthy foods such as: chips, chocolate, fried foods, additives, preservatives, etc, just as an example.

I’ve heard it many times over my 15+ year career in the health field… “Keisha, I eat healthy!” Yet, such people are still plagued with feelings of lethargy, heaviness, and tiredness; feelings of constant constipation with elevated symptoms of foggy brain and confusion continuing to plague one’s mind, as the battle of the cravings consistently win over one’s knowingness to make healthier choices, in order to lose the extra 10-15lbs of weight, while helping to sustain one’s blood sugar levels and/or high blood pressure, in order to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

You FEEL the difference when you consume nutritious foods, yet, the vicious cycle of self-sabotage continues, telling oneself… “I work hard. I deserve a treat so I’m going to treat myself and have a cheat day!”

This “cheat day” turns into a “cheat week’ turns into a “cheat month” and has now manifested itself as… A HABIT.

Sound Familiar ???

Ever heard the phrase, “You’re full of shit?”

Well, It’s True!!!

And why??? Because our bodies actually hold onto fecal matter (toxic waste) in our guts, until we properly excrete it, hopefully.

Our guts (intestines) is the dumping ground for all waste products.?It is a HUGE part of our body’s mainframe (your 1st/ 2nd brain) associated with Gut Feelings/Intuition. This is due to a nerve called The Vagus Nerve, which is responsible for regulating digestion, heart rate, and much more.

I like to use the analogy of garbage in relation to our gut.

What happens when you don’t take out the trash on garbage day…? It sits around the house, gets old (ferments) and stinks! It’s the same concept when it comes to your gut.

When your body isn’t digesting your foods at an optimal level, it sits, ferments, causing many digestive symptoms and/or conditions such as: bloating, indigestion, constipation, acid reflux, body odour, bad breath, etc and has an odour coming out of the body known as gas (flatulence).

Depending on the types of foods you consume, it can alter your mood, digestive symptoms, while either increasing or decreasing your energy levels. As a result, making you feel lighter, happier, and good about yourself; or it will make you feel heavier, lethargic, foggy brain, & not so good about yourself.

The moral of this story is there MUST be enough good stuff going into your body to combat the bad stuff. If not, it’ll lead to stagnation, putrification & fermentation from excess fecal matter lodged in your gut.

In English… stinky poops, as a result of increased bad bacteria, gas, bloating, acid reflux, constipation, etc.


1.Eat More “Live Foods.” Like plants that need their food to survive, (sunlight, air and water) so does your body. ?The more “live,” plant foods you consume, the more your vibrational energy will increase. The lighter your foods, the easier it is for your body to digest.?

2. Cleanse your body on a regular basis, NOT only when you hit rock bottom. Like a car, your body also needs a regular tune-up. You must also flush your engine, in order to get rid of old debris, while maintaining a better, overall system.

3. Deep breathing before eating.? Deep breathing before meals helps to bring the body into a parasympathetic state; this is the calming/ relaxed state of being, which assists you to better digest your food.

4. Drink water!!! Keeping the body hydrated is important for the maintenance of overall health and life.?This helps with the flow of nutrients within your body, not to mention, water helps in the absorption of nutrients and ions, and the elimination of excess waste.

5. Avoid drinking while eating. When you drink while you eat, it neutralizes your body’s stomach acid/ enzymes that are assisting to break down your foods. Drink water in between your meals to keep your digestive system regulating optimally.


Keisha Luke, HPCC, NC, CNE (hons.)的更多文章

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