Future-Balance and synergy
"...So that future generations would not look back at this generation with pity, sadness, and anger, pondering... "What were they thinking???"... "That answer was one of those I can give when answering a question: "Why would you like to create a completely?sustainable city"...It is something that just sinply makes sence...
In the past years many have observed what is going on in the world, some not so positive events, some horrible events, driven by ego, fear, and greed, and some positive ones, interwoven with kindness...both to fellow humans, and animals of this blue planet. As such, many of us know, and feel the "reality" that is...With many experiencing it in their own way.
What if? What if the life that you know could be better? More meaningful? Healthier? Filled with more purpose, and true joy and tranquility?
Please take a moment to envision yourself in a life where you can wake up, and go outside to breathe fresh air, one that is more oxygen rich, due to the abundance of plants nearby, you are able to move around freely in the city, by hopping on an electric bus, or driving an electric car provided as part of the community services at no cost to you. On your way you grab an apple from one of the trees that is planted near by, as having access?to food that is grown fresh locally, and as a part of the community, where everyone respects?a balanced give and take. Imagine being able to grow your own food in the back yard, or a micro hydroponics space at home, or being just steps away from the local hydroponic?facility, all accessible to you, and your family...Living in an environment?where every apartment, and house have access to fresh, clean water, and electricity that was generated locally through solar, wind, hydro, or geothermal systems...systems that are clean, sustainable, and reliable...Local schools are there to enrich the lives of children, and grownups, and not waste their time on unnecessarily?"information", nor are they the source of stress, but centers of wisdom. Centers of sparking that passion within an individual, so that she, and he may follow that pursuit that they desire to enrich the world with...
As to jobs - you will be able to follow your passion, one that hopefully enriches the lives of others, instead of chasing that thing called money...a culture that is based upon ones calling, and serving one another...A place where food, water, an electricity are provided as part of the living experience at no cost....as part of a normal life...As they are a requirement for any evolving society, for any living and breathing sentient being.
A place where knowledge, wisdom, and respect governs, and is a norm, a place where you can follow your passions freely being of service to others, and while doing so you grow to become the best version of yourself...
How does that sound to you?
How does your life and the lives of your loved ones look nowadays?
Which would you choose, if given an option for it?
No agendas, no trickery, no forced nonsense, not a perpetual rat race...just honesty, balance and respect for all ....an evolved community that is built by like minded heart centered individuals, also equally balanced by wizdom, and not greed, deceit and malice, nor the need of the ego to dominate, or controll others...All the above can be a reality, if one knows that it can be, as you will it. Imagine it, see it, feel it...embody it...bring it to reality with what you have now...
A balance of nature, and humanity...while pursuing progress...while evolving into a better version of yourself.
Each one of you has something?to contribute in the world...what is your passion? What is your mission?
We Do Not Inherit the Earth from Our Ancestors; We Borrow It from Our Children
How can you unite your skills with the skills of others to achieve such a world?
Over the past decade I have extensively engaged with experts from around the world in various?fields that relate to the concepts of sustainable technoogies. From green energy, to architecture, aquaponics, hydroponics, highly efficient electrical vehicles and other areas...Each organization, and person driven by their passions to create a better world...Each standing alone, bringing a force of positive change to the world...unifying all would create an environment?that would be of actual impact around the globe. Allowing for a change in lifestyle, a change of one's paradigm, for the positive....clean energy, food, and water to its inhabitants. But not only to its inhabitants, but to all humanity... Too many times companies, and organizations focus on tiny incremental changes, that are great, yet they are still stuck in the same paradigm....same old problems, yet a tiny bit less annoying....less harmful....Yet, not fixing the core issues....as to what does humanity really do, how does humanity really live, and how does it affect the environment?that surrounds them....and how do we all treat each other.... All the needed technology already exists, and has been in use for years around the globe, or some parts just need to be invented to make things more efficient... It is a matter of unifying the knowledge, and wisdom of many, all passionate individuals that are the change makers...in an elegant, and efficient manner....and implementing it.
An environment?where technology would serve humanity, and nature...and not destroy it, or use it. A place of balance and harmony...A place by the people for the people, and you would own your own place. Guided not by gendas of greed, but higher evolved sence of compassion, and understanding supported by wisdom.
The creation of such cities would serve not only the present generations living on land, but future ones, that will live on, and beneath?the ocean waves. Beyond that it would benefit the the ones that will explore beyond this blue marble, so desperate to venture a tiny bit beyond Gaia.
...if anyone is interested in working on a similar?more evolved future...lets talk, ...talk among?each other, share the idea of this future among?yourselves...
Most importantly... please share ...how would you actually contribute?to that future?
To be continued...
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Mead
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