The Balance of Nature, with humanity?

Everything is balanced. Balance is a highly variable integral part of the existence of everything. The smallest and greatest examples of the concept of balance are found in the structure of the universe. One of the smallest examples of balance is the attraction and repulsion of subatomic particles. ?The positive charge of a proton perfectly balances the negative charge of an electron. Thus, atoms can have a positive attractive force, a negative repulsive force, or be balanced with equal positive and negative forces. The largest example of balance is the relationship of stars and planets that form the universe. The forces that balance the universe are gravity, the force that pulls stars and planets together; and the centripetal force that pulls them apart. Stars and planets find a balance between these two forces and with inertia (an object in motion tends to remain in motion), and a balance of space and size is created between planets, stars, and galaxies.

There is a huge amount of space and matter, and human research and speculation about the atoms and stars that make up our universe is extensive and diverse. The essence of balance is found throughout, within, and around every physical part of the composition and interaction of the structure of the universe. The balance of life on planet Earth is no exception to the necessity of balance for existence. We even have a name for this concept of balance in the presence and evolution of life on our planet. We call it The Balance of Nature. This axiom refers to the interaction, the balance between everything that interacts within the development and maintenance of life, the atmosphere, the oceans, the land masses, all living things, changes in the structure and chemistry of land and water, and essentially the function of the evolution of life. Oh, wait, there is an exception… and it is humanity.

The Balance of Nature describes how in both quick and deep time, life can adapt to changes in the environment and changes in ecology; life can change to adapt to change. This ride on the sea-saw of environmental change stimulates changes in life forms through the process of evolution. This is a natural process that occurs over great time and life on Earth changes, and that preserves life. Humanity is part and parcel of the evolution of life on Earth, but the evolution of humanity threw the proverbial monkey wrench into the works of biology and ecology, The Balance of Nature. You may be thinking “uman Human evolution/?Oh human evolution?, he’s going to throw in making tools, conquering fire, origin of language, developing bipedalism, inventing civilization, etc.; and yes, that and much more is very important in the evolution of humanity, but the essence of it all is the development of intellect. Without intellect, the balance of nature would be disturbed by humanity, but nature would still control a world with a species of primate that today carries the name of Homo sapiens.

Most life forms on planet Earth just exist, they do not know that they exist or where they are or that they have a past, a present, and a future; and that at some point in their future, they will cease to exist. Plants have no knowledge of their existence, but they struggle for life and use all the capabilities that nature has provided them to continue their existence. Some life forms are extremely small and extremely abundant such as viruses (technically neither plant nor animal), and bacteria, fungi and microorganisms such as single-celled blue-green algae; and others are multicellular such as plants that range in size from microscopic to the huge Sequoia redwood trees. Plants exist because they can use the energy in sunlight, through the process of photosynthesis to create their structure from seed to reproduction. Plants are the powerhouse of life on earth, almost every life form in one way or another, directly depends on the ability of plants to provide the energy for life that they create through the process of photosynthesis.

Animals typically “know” they exist and can act to maintain their existence. This knowledge is instinct rather than analysis. For example, worms are animals, they typically live underground. When exposed, they work diligently to return underground. They do not analyze their situation; they just respond to stimuli. They do not have a centralized brain that gives them the ability to “think”, but they do have a nerve center that “knows” what is happening and stimulates the movement of muscles that can provide survival. The center of nervous activity, the “brain”, becomes more complex as evolution rewards increasing brain complexity with survival. Evolution of a brain provides instinct which improves survival, through evolution a brain can provide awareness of the existence and to various degrees, intelligence. Intelligence can provide an animal with a degree of analysis that allows evaluation of a situation and stimulates the correct activity that may provide survival. But just intelligence does not provide the power of planning for survival, intellect is required for that. The first humans were derived from the family of the great apes; gorillas and chimpanzees are close relatives. Humans are advanced primates with the development of intelligence and intellect. However, intelligence and intellect are not the same.

The expression of intelligence is the ability to learn, understand, and use information and facts in reasonable, creative, and functional ways to solve problems. It is a product of learning, application of knowledge, and building the reserve of information and experience to resolve problems and develop plans and procedures. It is a product of the evolution of the human brain, and it can be measured by IQ (intelligence quotient).

Intellect is an inherited trait that makes exceptional use of intelligence. The traits of intelligence and critical reason supplied by intellect are strong in the brain of people that are regarded as intellectuals. Intellect provides the capacity for the accumulation and evaluation of information acquired through intelligence, and intellect applies the ability to process and apply knowledge to solve difficult problems.

Through the gifts of evolution, Homo sapiens gained supremacy in the evolutionary battle for animal survival. Intellect, intelligence, reason, and invention surpassed the skills and weapons of fierce carnivores, the formidable protective weapons of huge herbivores, and the vagaries of inhospitable weather and the use of fire. Humanity gained a foothold in the changing environment and ecology of Earth, and against all physical odds, survived to conquer the entire planet. And in doing so, we destroyed the Balance of Nature.

Animal life is more complex; there are two basic forms of animal life, herbivores and carnivores, and these are the opposing sides of the Balance of Nature. In brief, herbivores get their energy for life through the consumption of plants, and carnivores get their energy for life from the consumption of herbivores. And it is the ever-active evolution of life that controls the balance bar between herbivores and carnivores. The interaction between herbivores and carnivores extends from the very roots of animal life in the micro-ecology of Earth to the most complex relationships in the balance of life and nature. Life is complicated, and so there are also omnivores, animals that consume in various ratios both plant and animal foods. Homo sapiens are the apex omnivores, and as such, have changed the Balance of Nature on planet Earth.????

Sometimes, often, we humans praise our abilities to control life, create more humans than bare ecology can sustain, and to a great degree reduce human deaths from natural causes. We live in a world of concrete and processed dead trees, and we often fail to realize that without energy from plants, we would not exist. Plant life is the fulcrum of the Balance of Nature. And not all plants, just a favored few, were highly prized by early human hunter-gatherers, and most of these plants are still the base of our diet. Human intellect suggested that perhaps the most valuable plants could be planted in the right places at the right times and even harvested and preserved as a food source throughout the year. We discovered that both suppositions we possible and humanity never looked back. Soon the concept of controlling the animals most sought after for food might be possible, and it was. Over time, humanity greatly expanded its ability to farm both plants and animals, hunt those that we did not farm, and take to excess from oceans, bays, lakes, and rivers fish and invertebrates for the tables of growing humanity. The Balance of Nature was broken.

The Balance of Nature is a concept that conceals incredible biological and ecological complexity. It includes things like pandemics and extinction events, ice ages and movement of continents, and complex relationships between animals and other animals, plants and other plants, and animals and plants, and is the mother of evolution. Sometimes the Balance of Life appears to be simple and obvious, usually because the intervention of humans changes the ecology of the area. A good example is the relationship between deer and wolves. Deer are herbivores, they depend on vegetation for food and for their survival in their current ecology. Their cycle of life depends on two things, the abundance of critical vegetation and the presence and abundance of wolves, and other predators. Wolves are carnivores, they depend on the presence of deer (and other prey animals, but deer are usually primary) and when deer do not survive well, wolf populations also decline. When wolf populations are removed from some locations because they also prey on cattle, the Balance of Nature is diminished, changed, and usually destroyed.

The reference for this brief history of the wolves of Yellowstone National Park comes mainly from an article written by Jamie Rappaport Clark in March 2020 for Defenders of Wildlife. When Yellowstone National Park was created on March 1, 1872. It is protected from human intrusion over two million acres of wilderness with mountains, geysers, and abundant wildlife. Grey Wolves were apex predators in this wilderness and were considered dangerous to visitation. From 1914 to 1926, 136 grey wolves were removed from the park. Over time, without the presence of the apex predator, the ecological biodiversity of the park changed immensely. The balance between predators and prey was lost, elk overgrazed the land, and as trees were eliminated, bird life declined and beavers along with their dams were lost. The watershed changed, plants and ground cover changed, and the character of wildlife also changed. It was obvious that the loss of the apex predator had changed the entire ecology, and not for the better. In January 1995, the first efforts to restore gray wolves to Yellowstone National Park had finally been approved and 14 wolves were restored to the park. They survived, in January of 2023 there were at least 108 wolves that roamed the park. Restoration of the apex predator was successful, and the effect on the ecology was amazing.

(Jamie Rappaport Clark, March 2020) “The changes in the park have been exciting and significant. Wolf reintroduction caused anticipated change in Yellowstone. It rebalanced elk and deer populations, allowing the willows and aspen to return to the landscape. The end to overgrazing stabilized riverbanks and rivers recovered and flowed in new directions. Songbirds returned as did beavers, eagles, foxes, and badgers.”

The restoration and changes to restore the original ecology of Yellowstone are not without controversy. The greatest objection to the repair of Park ecology is from local sources. The same objections to the presence of the wolves that led to their elimination from 1872 to 1929 have also been repeated in the 2020s. The wolves are now protected, and if their extinction can be avoided the ecology of the park will also be protected. The Balance of Nature, without the intrusion of humanity, is always changing, that is what evolution does to continue the existence of life. But it takes great time, and humans want things done yesterday.?The Balance of Nature cannot function on the timeline of humanity, and when forced to accept the ecological atrocities of human civilization, the Balance can’t keep up… and dies.

When Benjamin Franklin was leaving Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention of 1787, he was asked by a voice from the crowd in front of the Hall, “Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” His reply was “A republic if you can keep it.” Not many of us have the wisdom that Ben had collected throughout his life, and that wisdom comes from an understanding of the human psyche.

Ben Franklin was not a perfect person, and none of us are perfect, but not being perfect is a very important part of understanding humanity and its imperfections. Ben understood humanity and he knew that the future of America would not be without trial and tribulation, but he had no knowledge or even a shadow of understanding of the extreme trials and tribulations that human technologies of the future would place upon the survival of human civilization. You may not think that the future of human civilization is now in danger of an ecological collapse that will demand a total restart of human civilization on an ecologically badly damaged planet, and I hope you’re right. I won’t be here to see how humanity handles the last half of the 21st century, but I hope humanity handles it well.

The Balance of Politics reflects in many ways the Balance of Nature. Like the survival of both wolves and deer; when the Balance of Nature is built into a natural ecology that allows the survival and evolution of native species, a multi-faceted, ecologically aware human government does best for humanity. ?There must be a Balance of Political Power controlled not by force, but by the people themselves. If autocracy becomes the prime power of government, the result can be a governing class with rulers that persist for generations, control society, eliminate free speech, and control individual enterprise. If democracy becomes the prime power of government, the result can be a governing class with rulers that persist for generations, control society, eliminate free speech, and control individual enterprise. Autocracy can become a dictatorship, and democracy can become communism. The worst results of either are similar. A Balance of Politics is required to avoid war and environmental destruction and to provide functional enterprise and equal education.

The best results of government of any kind occur when the people's will establish the government's conduct. However, the fly in the ointment of government is that almost never do all the people have the same will. Fair and honest elections combined with consideration, inclusion, and tolerance of differences is the best solution to restrain conflict in government, allow freedom of speech, and equality for every citizen. And that might work if perfect people, or at least almost perfect people are elected to govern a people that understand the foundational need for a human populace that understands the limitations of The Balance of Nature, and the Ecological Balance of Humanity. Without effective human contribution to the Balance of Nature that includes the best use of human technology, the essential need for population control, elimination of environmental pollution, and the necessity for tolerance, acceptance, and education of all people, the future of human life on Earth, is questionable.


Martin Moe


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