


Today completes my first full week of summer break.  As an educator I look forward to this break!  It is a time to relax and a time to get things done that I have been putting off.  This week, I have been busier than ever!  My have been working my my book and website.  Both should be done by the end of the month!  However, I still need to relax a little before heading back to work in August, so I need some ideas on how to do that.

Tell me what big project you want to complete this summer and one thing that you will do to relax.

Christopher Wyckoff

Delivering meaningful and measurable impact coaching Asset Based Community Development strategies. Providing creative instruction and leadership in Theological and Public Education.

8 年

I seem never to be able to wind my mind down to nothing. I just moved to Raliegh and in the midst of unpacking I still have two online courses I am teaching along with student papers to read. Even going to the gym I watch documentaries. Relaxation in and of itself is a discipline. I suppose the project is to get my home settled. I'm not sure if I will get real relaxation in. But you have made me think seriously about it.


