As a female I seem to get the token question "How do you handle work life balance?" every time I get up to speak. The term showed up on the scene in the US in 1986 like a magical unicorn everyone wanted. People have fantasized about how to balance EVERYTHING! They want to make it to the top in their respective field as fast as possible, all while attending every family dinner, kids event, community service event, and make sure they have time to take care of themselves and their hobbies!
My answer when asked is very simple. If you want to be successful think of it as WORK LIFE BLEND. Successful leaders -male or female, regardless of where they work, do not work 9-5 jobs. They have learned to BLEND their 2 worlds into one. Family is a huge priority, however, to provide for your family, work sometimes comes first. If you understand what things in your life are negotiable and non-negotiable that may help! I have learned over the years solid communication is key with your family unit so they understand the BLEND as well. Realistic expectations are key. In our family, we have a system of required and optional when it comes to family events. Required- meaning I need to be there no matter what because it is important to my spouse. Optional, the world won't end if I am not there! Last point to the BLEND, learning to be a solid time manager and embracing your calendar is key. People that are working the WORK LIFE BLEND plan are typically very good at a routine/schedule and they stick to it! Successful leaders have also learned to intertwine their two worlds when you have the opportunity! Here's to BLENDING it and stop chasing unicorns!