Bala Sir on Academic Leadership-19
Centre for Learning Leadership and Excellence
We develop thinking teachers who ignite the joy of learning to create a better world.
?Are we passionate leaders?
Explaining various traits of leaders, Stephen Covey in his book,?The 8th?Habit?lists the following as critical to the leaders:
Passion is the driver for learning and growth. If a leader does not have a passion for the vision that he has articulated, he would fail in the venture sooner or later. History has evidence to show that many great leaders scaled their peaks only because of the passion they had for their goal. Passion can manifest in different ways, but it energizes the body, mind and spirit. It brings a glow on the face and inner satisfaction when one delivers. For a passionate person, the work itself is an achievement rather than the result. The members of the team stand apart and admire how you do things, how you sweat for your goal and how you make a progress. It instills confidence and inspiration in their souls.
An Evangelist of the eighteenth century, John Wesley seems to have remarked once:?“When you set yourself on fire, people love to come and see you burn."!
Read everyday, a page about people who have achieved great goals because of their passion. Edmund Hillary observed on reaching the Everest,”?It is not the mountain, but one has to conquer the mind”.?How true! To be passionate about a thing, possibly we need to make a few sacrifices, to make a few compromises, a few determinations ….!
E.M. Forester observes in his writings:?"One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested." I think that distinguishes the leader – To be passionate about his goals and to infuse a passion in the minds of his team mates.
As academic leaders, we need to be passionate about our job, infuse a passion for the same in the minds of our colleagues and our students.
Denis Waitley remarks humourously:”?Chase your passion and not your pension.”
G. Balasubramanian
Bala Sir, is the Chair of the Advisory Council at CLLE. A thought leader in education, he was the former Director (Academics) of CBSE, Delhi. He is a passionate teacher, curriculum designer and mentor for various educational institutions and leaders across the world. He brings his extensive experience and wisdom to propel various learning partnerships and initiatives at CLLE.