Bala Sir on Academic Leadership-10
Centre for Learning Leadership and Excellence
We develop thinking teachers who ignite the joy of learning to create a better world.
Leader and His Fellow Men??????????????????????????????
A Greek Poet Writes:
Ten good soldiers wisely led,
Will beat a hundred without a head.
?In modern times, this reflects on the need for developing human resources in any organization. If the organization does not render itself an opportunity to empower and grow, the members of the organization would start seeking greener pastures where they can continue to learn and grow.??
Usually in operational leadership, people target the results. For example, a marketing leader wants to ensure that his products are sold at any cost. A political leader tends to get votes using all techniques. A Chinese proverb says: “It does not matter if a cat is black or white; so long it catches the mice.”
But in academic leadership, results alone are not important. The strategies you adopt are as important as the results. As an academic leader, you are engaged in the process of developing human resources. You are engaged in the process of building individual values, social values, national values and global values. You are engaged in the process of humanizing people. The strategies that are to be adopted should matter to you.
You need to be conscious of the nature of people you recruit into your team; the training you impart to them on the strategies to be adopted; their inter-personnel relationship with all the stakeholders; the values they inherit and they impart. This is a great responsibility.
A teacher should not only be competent, but also sensitive.
?Have you paid some attention to this dimension of human resource development in your organization?
?It is time we pay a little more attention to our partners in progress.
G. Balasubramanian
G.Balasubramanian, is the Chair of the Advisory Council at CLLE. A thought leader in education, he was the Former Director (Academics) of CBSE, Delhi. He is a passionate teacher, teacher-trainer, curriculum designer, and mentor for various educational institutions and leaders across the world. He has to his credit a few hundred plus articles on various subjects published across several magazines. He has authored a number of books for teachers, educational administrators, and school leaders. He has served on several committees on education both at the national and international levels. Currently, he is the chairperson of the Board of Advisors of the International Council for School Leadership, Delhi; consultant to Grey Caps and The Teacher Tribe. World. He brings his extensive experience and wisdom to propel various learning partnerships and initiatives at CLLE.