Bal Ganesh idol at home brings energy
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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You can buy eco friendly murti from the market or make your own "do it yourself" Ganapati murti, a lot of such videos are available on YouTube. But I would suggest you to rather practice the right way of worship according to the scriptures. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 7 Mantra 20-23- Brahm-Kaal tells warrior Arjun that ‘Whose wisdom has been stolen to achieve material desires due to ignorance; only those foolish people worship demigods who cannot provide them fruitful gains since their worship does not provide them complete salvation’.?
Evidence from holy scriptures proves that the enlightened saint whose identity has been explained in Gita Adhyay 15 Mantra 1-4 provides true worship; practicing which the soul gets liberated from the trap of the devil; Brahm-Kaal. That ‘Tatvadrashta’ provides worship three times a day as has been mentioned in Yajurveda Adhyay 19 Mantra 26. By following the directions prescribed by that true spiritual master such as the prohibition of consumption of intoxicants (Yajurveda Adhyay 19 Mantra 30) and abandoning arbitrary worship etc. and by remaining in rules of true worship the devotee gains all benefits in present life as well as attains the eternal peace after leaving this perishable human cover. Monetary and social benefits and the like are by-products of true worship; they need not be demanded.
Therefore, the correct way of worship is to take refuge of Tatvadarshi (enlightened) saint and chant true salvation mantras mentioned in Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Adhyay 17 Mantra 23, Yajurveda Adhyay 19 Mantra 25 till the last breath by remaining in the rules of worship as directed. So this is the best way to go 100% eco- friendly and practice the right worship to attain salvation. Some of the Indian scriptures and Purana tell one should not see moon on the occasion of Ganesha Chaturthi.
It is said that on the day of Ganesha chaturthi once lord Ganesha was going back to his home after having the desserts of all the homes offered to him. He was returning on his vehicle (vahan) mouse (Mushak) .The mouse was not able to carry lord Ganesha and Lord Ganesha fell down the result of this was lord Ganesh's stomach got injured.. By seeing this the moon laughed at him. Lord Ganesha got angry by this he took a snake scurrying by and tied it to his stomach. Lord Ganesha told then Whoever see moon On the night of Ganesha Chaturthi They will have to bear humiliation for the mistake they haven't done.
The only correct way to do Lord Ganesha Puja is to worship him with pure intentions full devotion and faith.Offer (bhog lagana) him shakahari bhojan (vegetarian food without onion garlic) freshly made modak and durva grass with love. If you follow logic, then it make sense that you should invite bal ganesh ji at this chaturthi, if you are inviting him first time. Secondly, the bal swaroop of any God is very innocent and kind. They don't mind your mistakes, unlike their adult form, and it's very natural that when one doing worshiping first time at home of Ganesh ji, he/she tend to do more mistakes. So, I think it's not a bad idea to bring Bal Ganesh ji, at this chaturthi, my friend.
Think if you buy a TV and place it in the most prominent place in your lounge room and then invite all the neighbours to a festival, and you garland the TV and wave ārati and offer food which you all share - will you obtain any benefit from the TV? All the Icons of the Gods and Goddesses are like TV sets sitting on your altar being honoured and adored but no one is actually turning them on and tuning in! And then people are blaming the TV for not showing its programs! In order to connect with Ganesha and all the other Gods and Goddesses and to get with their program, you need to read the manual and learn how to turn them on, here’s the God-manual — Hindu Iconography. Jay Shri Ganesh Ji Ki?