Baker Sheep Farm Archaeological Excavation Update 2021
Baker Sheep Farm Archaeological Site 2 Photo by Dr. Rugenstein

Baker Sheep Farm Archaeological Excavation Update 2021

The investigation of the Baker Sheep Farm site has progressed in 2021. Site 1 is returning to nature with the dig scare starting to meld back into the surrounding woods. With Site 2 there has been a general clean-up and opening of the site making it possible to drive a vehicle within 60 feet of the site. The tree that had fallen in a way that Site 2 was being divided by it was cut in sections and removed making access easier at the dig site.

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Site 2 itself is opening up and giving us in some ways more questions at this point than answers. The site itself has been determined to have been an extension to the original part of the building. Although it doesn’t have a basement it is attached approximately 2 feet from the northeast corner of the basement and is about 10 X 12 feet in size. The excavation itself is located northeast corner of the extension.

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As the dig progressed it was found that the extension was surrounded by a thick wall which was apparent as we dug on either side of the protruding wall. It was found on the “outside” we found that sand was just a few inches under the duff which was what was found at the excavation of Site 1, however there was a difference when we started digging on the “inside.” On the “inside” it was found not only was the sand more disturbed with large stones being found up to 7 inches beneath the surface but household artifacts.

Outside the wall we found a great deal of glass, brick and a few small square nails. All of the finds were within the first 1 to 2 inches with glass laying on the ground in some spots. The inside of the wall went much deeper with undisturbed sand being around 7 inches below the surface. Finds on the inside of the wall included glass as on the outside but also included larger square nails, pieces of glassware, pieces of porcelain plates and dishware.

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Other finds include animal bones and shaped stones that seem to have been used domestically in some way. Research is still underway on many of these items.

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?Site 2 was also expanded on the outside of the wall to match where the excavation was being accomplished on the inside. The outside remained as found in the areas with undisturbed sand 1 to 2 inches below the surface. Glass was found on the surface and in the disturbed areas around the wall. The interior of the wall, as mentioned before, continued to find artifacts. The interesting aspect is that the finds tend to be intermixed with some of the larger stones laying on the interior. It seems that they are laying beneath a fallen wall.

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One major accomplishment this year was a LiDAR survey of the dig site and surrounding area. This was accomplished from a grant from the Intercultural Open University Foundation. The survey opens a number of new areas to at least a surface walk. If you would like to donate to the investigation you can do it here through a GoFundMe.

In the next season investigation, we will continue along both sides of the northern wall of the extension. The exterior will lead us to the depression north of the wall. This has brought questions also as to what it was. Suggestions have been from an outhouse to a root cellar to an icehouse. That area will be a later investigation as well as field-walking the area southwest of the barn remnants.

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As the LiDAR survey reveals, this area shows large rectangular features with smaller features inside. Next season will hopefully start in May 2022. Below are videos from last few seasons along with previous articles.

You can find other videos here that on history, culture, different cities and areas, and some interesting places. The playlists include Cultural History-Places; Cities-History/Culture; Troy, NY History; and the Baker Sheep Farm Archaeological Site.


