Baker-Polito Administration Announces $3 Million for Local Projects to Enhance the Maritime Economy
Maria Nigro Di Stefano, MPA
Northeast Regional Director at Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Lt. Governor Polito opens 2020 Round of the Massachusetts Dredging Program
GLOUCESTER - February 25, 2020 - Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced more than $2.9 million in Seaport Economic Council Grants to support nine projects in seven communities. These grants will help advance the mission of the Seaport Economic Council to support working waterfronts, local tourism, coastal resilience, maritime innovation and the Commonwealth’s robust Blue Economy. The grants were approved at a Seaport Economic Council meeting, chaired by Lt. Governor Karyn Polito at Gloucester’s Lyceum and Sawyer Free Library.
“Massachusetts’ coastal assets are incredibly important to the state’s overall economic health, and our administration’s investments through the Seaport Economic Council continue to expand capacity, resiliency and opportunity in cities and towns throughout the Commonwealth,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We are pleased to continue to offer these competitive grant programs, and partner with local leaders to protect these natural resources and capitalize on their benefits.”
“By investing in locally-grown proposals that respond to a need or plan for the future, the Seaport Economic Council is partnering with communities to continue the momentum that we have seen in the Blue Economy in recent years,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, Chair of the Council. “We are thrilled to make this funding available today for these nine planning and infrastructure projects, and to encourage communities with saltwater dredging needs to submit applications for the next grant round.”
Since its re-launch by the Baker-Polito Administration in 2015, the Seaport Economic Council has invested over $44 million through 96 grants in 42 coastal communities, funding projects ranging from local priorities to shared Commonwealth wide initiatives. In the round of grants approved today, the Council is awarding $2.34 million to support coastal infrastructure projects that include commercial fishing pier reconstruction and complete marina renovations.
This round of grants also provides more than $580,000 in maritime economic planning grants to help fund projects such as waterway improvement plans and harbor master plans that seek to identify opportunities to increase economic activity at established waterfronts and address the challenges due to climate change.
“We are pleased to make these investments in diverse coastal communities from Cape Ann to Cape Cod to the Southcoast, and will continue to partner with all 78 of the Commonwealth’s seaside cities and towns to ensure they have the resources, technical assistance, and infrastructure to address challenges and continue to thrive economically,” said Deputy Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Tim McGourthy, Vice Chair of the Seaport Economic Council.
Today’s meeting of the Seaport Economic Council took place in Gloucester, and the City was awarded a $240,000 local maritime economic planning grant. Due to an evolving economy, which continues to respond to such pressures as fishing regulation and climate change, the City of Gloucester is looking to capitalize on new opportunities in marine research and product development. The City will embark on a planning process to update the 2014 Gloucester Harbor / DPA Master Plan, to reinforce its seafood industry base while taking into consideration the challenges of climate change and opportunities in the marine research and development sector and life sciences cluster.
“Gloucester’s historic, working waterfront has always been and continues to be the center of both civic and commercial activity in the City. Gloucester Harbor is the city’s most valuable asset, making planning for its future central to all economic and community development activity,” said Gloucester Mayor Sefatia Theken. “Updating our harbor plan will allow us to strategically plan for growth by capitalizing on new opportunities while leveraging our unique assets to support job creation, business expansion, and economic development. Thank you to the Baker-Polito Administration and my colleagues on the Seaport Economic Council for recognizing the critical role harbor research and planning play in the Massachusetts economy.”
“Gloucester Harbor is a unique and precious resource that is important today, and has tremendous potential for the future. Capturing that potential and strengthening current uses of the harbor undoubtedly requires careful planning and an inclusive conversation with the community. This grant provides us with the needed funding to do those things, in a comprehensive and professional way,” said Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr. “Thanks to the Seaport Economic Council and the Baker-Polito Administration for recognizing and responding to this priority for our port.”
"We appreciate the support of Baker-Polito Administration and the Seaport Economic Council for funding to conduct a Gloucester Harbor and Designated Port Area Plan,” said Representative Ann-Margaret, House Chairwoman of the Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies. “Undoubtedly, Gloucester Harbor is one of the area's greatest assets for economic development and job creation. In the last decade, Gloucester managed to maintain our fishing industry while allowing for other significant marine uses such a research. The City of Gloucester will now have the opportunity for public engagement and planning as we move into the next decade."
Today, Lt. Governor Polito also announced the opening of the second round of the Massachusetts Dredging Program. This standalone grant program offers focused funding for saltwater dredging on a competitive, annual basis. Grant funding will help coastal communities maintain and improve their navigational waterways and support the long-term growth and sustainability of the state’s blue economy. Last year, the Administration awarded a total of $4.1 million to five communities: Beverly, Chatham, Dennis, Hingham and Nantucket.
Any Massachusetts coastal communities are eligible to apply to the dredging program’s 2020 grant round. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis, with a particular emphasis placed on shovel-ready projects that contribute to the economic significance, recreational value, public safety, and/or coastal resiliency of Massachusetts’ coastal harbors. Applications will be accepted between March 18, 2020 and April 1, 2020 and will be evaluated by the program administrator, the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development (EOHED), in consultation with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. EOHED requires a minimum 50% match for any application to be considered.
Applications for the Massachusetts Dredging Program 2020 grant round will be posted March 4, 2020 and are due April 1, 2020. Learn more at
Investments in coastal communities are crucial to Massachusetts’ economy, safety, and environment. The Baker-Polito Administration will continue to provide resources and programs, like Seaport Economic Council grants and Massachusetts Dredging Program awards, to ensure that coastal communities can improve, strengthen, and protect the Commonwealth’s coastal assets.
Seaport Economic Council Grant Recipients
Beverly - $48,000
Beverly Commercial Fishing Pier Repair
This phased project will ultimately reconstruct the Beverly Commercial Fishing Pier, replacing the existing timber pile supported pier with a steel pile-supported concrete pier and new hoist to better serve the commercial fishing fleet. The hoist pier is vital for the commercial fishing industry to unload their catch and equipment and sell their haul to consumers. This phase of the project will include feasibility, survey, permitting, and design/engineering.
Dartmouth - $64,000
Dartmouth Dias Town Landing Feasibility Study
This award will fund an independent economic feasibility study which will assess the economic demand for and financial feasibility of developing and operating a small boat marina/dockage area at Dias Landing, which would support recreational, transient, and commercial activities. This study would include public meetings to understand the needs and opportunities, as well as meetings with stakeholders group, a review of existing data and plans, and site analysis. It is anticipated that the proposed improvements to the Landing will advance Dartmouth’s maritime economy objectives by increasing revenue for the town and for the local business as well as increasing safe public access to Dartmouth’s waterways for both recreational and commercial use.
Dennis - $240,000
Sesuit Harbor Municipal Marina Renovation Project
This award will support Stage 1 of a two-stage project to improve and enhance the municipal marina facility at Sesuit Harbor consisting of the design, engineering and permitting of infrastructure upgrades at the municipal marina. Sesuit Harbor is an economic driver for the community and region, one of the few harbors on the north side of Cape Cod that is accessible to commercial and recreational boaters at any tide. The proposed improvements include demolition of three antiquated municipal buildings, placement of fill to increase elevation and reduce susceptibility to flooding due to sea level rise, installation of new utilities, and construction of ADA compliant public restroom facility and combined office / meeting space and work garage. Stage 2 of the project would be the construction of the infrastructure improvements.
Fairhaven - $1,000,000
Fairhaven Union Wharf Sheet Wall Replacement
This supportive coastal infrastructure grant is for Phase 4 of the overall renovation of Union Wharf, owned by the Town of Fairhaven. The grant will support the reconstruction of the condemned south steel sheet pile wall, to ultimately provide the only public, commercial vessel off-load space available to the entire fleet within New Bedford Harbor. In FY17 the SEC funded Phase 2 of the project which included the west wall which has been completed and in FY18 the SEC provided funding for Phase 3 which included the addition of a Public Safety Marina.
Gloucester - $240,000
Gloucester Municipal Harbor Planning
This grant will support a new harbor planning process in Gloucester that will look at the unique aspects of Gloucester Harbor and the challenges and opportunities faced by the City. Due to an evolving economy, which continues to respond to such pressures as fishing regulation and climate change, the City of Gloucester is looking to capitalize on new opportunities in marine research and product development. The City will embark on a planning process to update the 2014 Gloucester Harbor / DPA Master Plan to reinforce its seafood industry base while taking into consideration the challenges of climate change and opportunities in the marine research and development sector and life sciences cluster. Public participation is a vital component of Gloucester’s harbor planning efforts and it will be integral to identifying beneficial development and activities that are also sensitive to the environment, existing neighborhoods, and balanced with the needs of the community-at-large.
Mattapoisett Long Warf Restoration - $216,000
This grant will provide the present status of Long Wharf, originally constructed in 1792, and a baseline for a complete engineering plan to shore up and stabilize the wharf. This project will result in preliminary budget estimates for investigation, engineering, and permitting services with the goal of stabilizing the wharf, while maintaining and preserving the historic look of the granite as it was originally constructed.
Mattapoisett Municipal Waterways Plan - $120,000
The grant funding will support the development of a Municipal Waterways Plan which will augment the Comprehensive Master Plan that has just been initiated for the Town of Mattapoisett. This plan will identify areas in which there are concerns and future goals for the waterway including mooring management of the inner and outer harbor areas, existing uses, future needs for recreation, business and commerce, aquaculture, shellfishing, waterfront resources, and changes in climate. The planning process will involve a wide spectrum of the town’s residents and stakeholders. The economic benefits of developing this plan include assistance in identifying implementable projects that advance the goals set for the waterway, allowing more expedient decision-making when funds become available, and identifying opportunity for appropriate private sector growth and investment in the waterfront.
Salem Wharf Deepwater Berth Repair - $840,000
This funding will help the City of Salem identify and implement near-term improvements necessary to maintain functionality of the Salem Wharf Deepwater Berth, and if near-term improvements are not practicable, or do not require the full requested funding, then funding will be used to begin an assessment of long-term rehabilitation and/or reconstruction of the wharf. This assessment will be closely coordinated with the Harbor Planning effort, as future uses may inform the design. The tourism industry is an important economic driver for the City of Salem, and over the past five years, the City has successfully hosted medium-sized cruise ships at the berth, welcoming thousands of visitors to Salem.
Salem Municipal Harbor Planning - $160,000
This funding will allow the City of Salem to embark on a harbor planning and community visioning effort that will revise the Salem Harbor Plan to address significant changes that have occurred both along Salem’s waterfront and in how the City approaches waterfront development in consideration of climate change and sea level rise. The Salem Harbor Plan will serve as a basis for the City and the Commonwealth to employ a shared approach to the development and regulation of waterfront areas subject to public rights and interests.