Baillieston VW Vans Supporting Local GP Practice
Logan GP Practice Wishaw has started a drive to support its patients with the provision of Finger Tip Pulse Oximeters, Dr Alec Logan said "Pulse oximetry in times of Covid 19 can save lives. We shall pass on the units to some of our most vulnerable patients"
At the van centre in Glasgow, we are encouraging our staff to think outside their own circumstance, and where we can assist with some small charitable acts, We see this very much as contributing towards our staffs well-being, on the last Friday of each month we allow the staff to dress down and an make a small financial donation, we aim make 3-4 small donations per year to various causes ,
It goes without saying, that we are all extremely grateful for the work, Local GP practices carry out in our communities, regardless of age, social or economic back ground the GP practices provides a blanket of care. The staff are fully committed at a local level to supporting us in our time of need,
Please allow me to add our own thanks on behalf of the Van centre in Baillieston for Logan Practices hard work.
Dr Logan has asked that we share this story "this will send an important health messaging for our patients. and also also appreciate other businesses may want to do something similar. We will be delighted if you want to contribute as well, For further info on how you can get involved. Please contact Logan Practice reception on 01698 373341.
Alternatively contact the van centre in Glasgow,