Bags Under Eyes

Bags Under Eyes

Bags and dark circles under the eyes develop when the pocket of fat under the eye starts to sag. The skin becomes thin and wrinkly, the pocket of fat sags too much, the eyes become hollow and dark circles become visible.

Per orbital hyperchromia, or dark circles under the eyes, is a common dermatological condition that can affect a person’s self-confidence because it makes them appear tired.1

It’s a normal thing to happen, though, since this is a physical change that takes effect when you age.2

Also known as per orbital hyper pigmentation, per orbital melanosis and dark circles, under-eye bags may appear as the lower eyelid’s bluish discoloration (vascular type) or brownish to black hyper pigmentation (constitutional type).3

The eyelid skin is the thinnest of all body parts, particularly the lower medial eyelid, which has the lowest dermal to epidermal ratio.4

This is where fat accumulates through time, resulting in the development of bags under the eyes.5

? 1 Semantic Scholar, “Periorbital Hyperchromia”

? 2 “Is Gender Recognition Affected by Age?”, 2009

? 3 J Cutan Aesthet Surg. 2012 Jul-Sep;5(3):183-184

? 4 Aesthetic Surgery Journal, “A Comprehensive Examination of Topographic Thickness of Skin in the Human Face”, 2015;35(8):1007-1013

? 5,  Mayo Clinic, January 26, 2018

Topical Remedies for Under-Eye Bags

? Moisturize — Wrinkles and bags under the eyes become more visible when your skin is dry.13 Keep your skin well-moisturized, especially around the eyes, by using all-natural moisturizers such as pure emu oil and pure coconut oil.

? Use Brazilian ginseng — A 2009 study found that topically applying a serum sample containing Brazilian ginseng twice a day may help reduce the intensity of dark circles around the eyes

J Cosmet Dermatol. 2009 Jun;8(2):127-35

? Opt for eye creams with coffee extracts — A 2013 study found that caffeine has antioxidant properties that may work as a sunscreen. These polyphenol compounds protect the skin from UVB radiation, which may help prevent rapid skin aging.

Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, “Caffeine’s Mechanisms of Action and Its Cosmetic Use”, 2013 Jan;26(1):8-14

A 2018 study also found that skin care products with caffeine may help reduce under-eye bags caused by dilatation of blood vessels.

EJPMR, “Preparation and Evaluation of Caffeinated Fairness Cream”, 2018;5(4):475-478

? Use a safe sunscreen and wear sunglasses — Though sun exposure is vital in achieving optimal health, you must consider factors such as weather conditions, season and time of the day when you stay under the sun to avoid photo damage and the appearance of wrinkles.

According to a 2013 study, using a broad spectrum sunscreen and wearing UV-coated sunglasses may help reduce bags under the eyes. However, in choosing a sunscreen, make sure that it doesn’t contain oxybenzone, synthetic fragrances or retinyl palmitate; your safest choice is a lotion or cream with zinc oxide. You may also wear a wide-brimmed hat or a cap to protect your face and eyes.

 J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2016 Jan;9(1):49-55

? Gently remove your makeup — Excessively scrubbing your face may break your blood vessels, which may worsen the bags under your eyes. Avoid this by gently swiping some mild makeup remover over your eyes (coconut oil is a good option) and leaving it on your face for a minute before washing it off.

Reader’s Digest, February 10, 2017

Diet Changes May Help Get Rid of Bags Under Your Eyes

? Drink enough water — Staying hydrated will help restore your skin’s moisture and may help eliminate toxins from it.

? Avoid salty food — Sodium contributes to fluid retention, which causes bags under eyes. Cutting down on your salt intake at night is one way to reduce bags under eyes and puffiness in the morning.

 WedMD, January 21, 2018

  WebMD, “Slideshow: Banish the Bags Under Your Eyes”

? Add retinol-rich food to your diet — Retinol or Vitamin A helps prevent further thinning of the skin.

?, Reader’s Digest, October 25, 2017 Nourish the skin under your eyes by adding food rich in retinol such as grass fed beef liver, cheddar cheese, pasture-raised chicken giblets, turkey liver, grass fed butter and organic, pastured eggs to your diet.

Reader’s Digest, October 25, 2017

? Reduce or avoid alcohol intake — Alcohol is one of the fluids that can dehydrate your body, including the skin under the eyes. This thin area may likely sink and form a bag. If you do imbibe in alcohol, be sure to balance it with at least 8 cups of water throughout the day.

WebMD, June 8, 2016

? Consume vitamin C-rich food — A 2009 study found that vitamin C from sodium ascorbate lotion may help thicken the skin of the lower eyelids. The results showed that dark coloration is significantly diminished when the dermis has thickened.

 Skin Res Technol. 2009 May;15(2):214-7

Reduce the appearance of bags under your eyes by adding foods rich in Vitamin C such nango, papaya, pineapple, watermelon, broccoli, tomatoes, green and red bell peppers, strawberries and winter squash to your diet.

Medline Plus, J anuary 7, 2017

Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate. 

Thank you …Under-Eye Bags Surgery?

As mentioned, having noticeable bags under the eyes is not a medical concern, but an aesthetic one that doesn’t imply a disease or a health-threatening condition. If the saggy skin obstructs your peripheral vision, an under-eye bags surgery or blepharoplasty could be done. This procedure gets rid of the excess tissue in your eyelids through an incision.

Dermatologic Surgery, “Infraorbital Dark Circles: Definition, Causes, and Treatment Options”, 2009 August;35(8):1163-1171

Mayo Clinic, March 28, 2018

After removing the excess fat, the skin would then be stitched together. If your condition calls for a surgery, opt for transconjunctival than transcutaneous blepharoplasty so that the scar would not be visible.

Mayo Clinic, January 26, 2018

J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2016 Jan;9(1):49-55

Having to remove bags under eyes by means of surgery may pose benefits and risks, so be sure to consult an expert before intending to undergo one.

Want to add word or two?  

Aging and genetics are two common causes of under-eye bags that you cannot control, so having a better lifestyle and attending to your skin care needs may be beneficial in reducing the appearance of these marks.

When you feel like the bags have become itchy, painful or severe, or if they blur or obstruct your vision, it’s best to visit your doctor immediately to address the problem and avoid further complications.50

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Bags Under-Eye Bags

 How do I get rid of dark circles and bags under my eyes?

Home remedies that may help reduce bags under your eyes include moisturizing your skin, using sunscreen, wearing sunglasses, caps or hats, avoiding salty foods, adding foods rich in retinol and vitamin C to your diet, and placing tea bags, potato peel, cucumber slices or cold spoons over your eyes.

How do you fix bags under your eyes?

 Having the thinnest skin of all body parts, eyelids and the skin around them are likely to develop damage as you age. Photo damage from exposure to UV rays may cause bags under the eyes. Some ways to help reduce this are topical antioxidant usage and sunscreen application.

Clinics in Plastic Surg. 2013 Jan;40(1):225-36

Do eye creams really work?

Eye creams actually have the same formulation as facial moisturizers. When buying eye creams, look for organic ingredients such as shea butter, jojoba oil, acai oil, green tea 

Reader’s Digest, October 25, 2017

Dayal Ram

Managing Director at DAYALIZE

4 年

Aging and genetics are two common causes of under-eye bags that you cannot control, so having a better lifestyle and attending to your skin care needs may be beneficial in reducing the appearance of these marks. Food allergy? Sensitive to certain foods? Intolerance of certain foods - foodstuffs can lead to obesity, fluid retention, chronic fatigue, skin diseases, allergies and other diseases. A simple blood test will detect which foods you can't tolerate. Dieting? Health complaints? A food intolerance test is often the first step before starting a diet or treatment. When you feel like the bags have become itchy, painful or severe, or if they blur or obstruct your vision, it’s best to visit your doctor immediately to address the problem and avoid further complications.



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