Christian Fleming
I’m the least IT like person you’re likely to meet! Would you like to join the IT happy league? Drop me a line on 01903 259923.
Season’s greetings, Dear Reader. If you’re reading this sentence, it’s because you’ve been lured by two suspect words in my heading, namely ‘bargain’ and ‘cheap’. I’m not judging you – all of us like to watch the pennies here and there. But when it comes to things like coffee, computers and starship warp coils, tightening the purse strings will cost you more in the long run. Or as my mother says, “buy cheap, buy twice”.
“Wise words. Now show me the laptops.”
If you’re thinking about splashing out on a new computer this Christmas, we’d be glad to help you find the right model. Or if you’re opting for refurbished hardware, here’s something I advise you check before handing over any cash…
How to quickly check if a laptop is any good
As you probably know, every computer has a processor, otherwise known as the ‘brain’. It’s an important bit of kit that impacts the speed, capacity and performance of your tech. It’s the first thing you should check when buying a refurbished or second-hand computer. Because, although everything might look up to scratch on the outside, it’s what’s on the inside that really counts (my mum said that too).
Generally speaking, the model of a processor is split into two parts separated by a hyphen. The first part will tell you the brand modifier, either i3, i5, i7 or i9 (the higher the number, the faster the processor). And the second set of numbers tells you the generation of the processor. For example, 8800 will be 8th gen technology.
“Whoa there, Capt. There must be an easier way to upgrade my computer?
If you’re thinking about upgrading your hardware or software and want to avoid a cheap and tearful purchase this Christmas, feel free to call us today on 01903 25 99 23.
Until the next time (click, click!) ??