The Baer Facts - Issue #1
This is The Baer Facts, my new twice-monthly newsletter . Delighted to have you here. Each issue has several sections, for easy skimming. I hope you love The Baer Facts. Ideas? Comment and let me know.
So, This Happened
I rampaged.
I am sick of deleting unread emails every day. I unsubscribed to dozens of brands and organizations. I went full-on Kim/Kanye, severing the relationship.?
I discovered there is HUGE variance in how organizations handle unsubscribe messaging and processes. My least favorite: making me type my email address again, and then forcing me to unselect 27 checkboxes to get off the list. Boo.?
Here’s a better one:
I made a donation to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada a while back, but don’t need email updates from them. Their unsubscribe message says: “At your request, you have been unsubscribed from our mailing list. We apologize if our email updates inconvenienced you in any way.”
Is that the MOST CANADIAN thing ever? Apologies for inconveniencing me with their email! Amazing.
I’d love to know what you think of this next one.?
I unsubscribed, and instantly received another email: “Wanted to let you know that you've been fully unsubscribed. This is the last email you'll receive from me.
If you've got a minute to hit reply, and I super understand if you don't, I'd appreciate your feedback so I can better understand why you unsubscribed and how I can make the email better.”
What do you think? Nice use of market research? Too thirsty for comments? Annoying to send an email after an unsubscribe?
Don’t Lose This Number
According to an eMarketer report just out, 68 percent of U.S. companies plan to include influencer marketing (paid or unpaid) as part of their media plan this year. That number is expected to rise to 72 percent in 2022.
I don’t believe that number if it’s intended to be ALL businesses, as I find that small/local haven’t fully caught the influencer bug yet (but they will). But among medium/large businesses, I completely agree that 3 in 4 will be doing at least some influencer marketing by end of next year. Huge growth area, even in B2B.
Mr. Microphone
Just like riding a bicycle - in a ballroom.?
I did my first in-person speaking event in 15 months! Thanks to Keystone Insurance Group for the opportunity to keynote their Emerging Leaders conference in Orlando.?
After so much time away, at first it felt very strange to be on the road. I even forgot to bring a toothbrush! But once I hit the stage, it felt familiar and comfortable. Also, very nice to hear crowd laughter again. (One of the worst elements of virtual events is you think “I’m pretty sure this is funny?” but have literally no evidence if that’s true).?
Excited to be back out there. Two more in July, also in Orlando, for American Sportfishing Association, and Petland.?
If you’re looking for a speaker for your event, I’d love to help.?
Note that I have a brand-new talk too. It’s called “The 3 Drawbridges” and is all about how to use radical relevancy to cross the moat of attention your customers have built to ignore your marketing. If you like sound marketing advice mixed with old-timey castle references, you’ll love it!
The Books Report
My friend Carla Johnson has a new book coming out called “Re:Think Innovation” I love it. An excellent, viable system for HOW to be more innovative. There’s a lot of people I know who would have loved to have read this BEFORE they had to move all of their live events to the virtual world!
Highly recommended. Grab a copy here.
Now, Hear This
Now, Drink This
As you may know, I am a tequila guy, and am actually a certified tequila sommelier. Each issue, I’ll make a drinks recommendation to you in this corner of the newsletter. Usually, tequila.?
The new Dahlia tequila just hit the market. It’s a reposado, which means it’s been aged for approx 90 days in oak barrels. BUT, it’s also a cristalino, which means after aging they filter the spirit to remove the color and smooooooooth it out.?
That filtration deletes much of the agave flavor. Thus, the way I describe Dahlia is “the perfect tequila for people who don’t usually like tequila.”
It’s $39.99, with a direct e-commerce option. Enjoy!
Win My Money
As mentioned at the top, I have my own crypto-currency; JAY coin. It’s part of the Rally creator coin chain. It’s worth real money (not that crypto isn’t “real” money - you know what I mean).
We’ll be doing contests and promotions in each issue of The Baer Facts where you can win JAY.?
Also, you can hire me to do private tequila tastings, be a guest on a podcast, provide customer experience counsel, etc. and you can buy those services using JAY coin!?
For now, I just want you to have some because each week JAY holders receive Rally bonuses. It’s like a stock that pays a dividend. So, go to Rally and spend a couple minutes creating an account. Then, go to this form and tell me your Rally ID and I’ll send you 2 JAY (worth $3.24 as I’m writing this).
Life Hack
Now that I’m back on the road, I have to iron again. This life hack blew my mind!
Thanks so much for being a Baer Facts Fan!?
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As always, any questions, ideas, thoughts, observations, or recommendations…...just comment here.
You’re the best!