The Badasses and FSC
Cervantes and Today?
Don Quixote and the Certified Badass
Cervantes had Don Quixote and his faithful companion, Sancho Panza, charging at windmills:?
Today, the presumptuous badasses use their muscle cars to charge —-at red lights:
For them, the rules don’t apply and red lights, stop signs, signaling when changing lanes and driving courtesies are often optional and are, according to their egos, a sign of weakness.?The laws simply do not apply to them.
Discipline is as foreign to these presumptive badasses as are law and order.?
FSC?and the Certified Badass
Today, on the battlefield, the certified badass is capable not only of calling for fire. He or she is capable of FSC or Fire Support Coordination. FSC is the coordination of infantry, armor, artillery, air support and naval gunfire support - all at the same time. In my 13 years of military service, I have known very few officers who were capable of such coordination. They, the certified badasses, inspired me to create Correlation*.?
*Patent Pending - All Rights Reserved.?