Bad vs. Good

Bad vs. Good

Random 30 Day Flip Book (4): Bad vs. Good

No good or bad—All Oneness.”  (page 141)

Here is today’s random pick from ‘Flip Book, Your Secret Weapon In A World Gone Wild”.

What does this phrase mean to you?

What could it mean for you?

Jot down what comes to mind immediately.

Perhaps write it on a piece of paper and carry it with you throughout your day.  Then as thoughts occur to you, capture them, by writing them down.  I do this when I do not have my personal flip book handy.  You see, I am always working on a new flip book of my own.

If nothing comes to mind, that is ok too.  Just BE with it.  Not everything means anything to all of us.

Here are a few of the things that came into my thoughts as I read this phrase:

  • I decide what everything means (to me)…every experience, every comment, every look from another, everything I hear/see/smell/touch/think and feel is interpreted and translated BY ME, into meaning.
  • Stuff happens all the time. Whether it is good or bad, is up to me.
  • How I look at something, can change it from good to bad. (Think of some things that have happened in your life.  At the time, it seemed like the end of the world, but later, it turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to you.  Losing a job, getting dumped in a relationship, being cheated in business…just a few examples from my own life.
  • One person’s bad is another person’s good.
  • Like beauty, good and bad, are in the eye of the beholder.
  • Good and Bad are just two sides of a coin.
  • I can flip the switch from bad (off) to good (on), as easily as turning on a light.

Write down, note what happens to you.  What happens for you.  How you feel.

Share if you choose to… Comment and share your thoughts on our Facebook Page:

Be Loving. Love Being. Be YOU!


Because YOU Deserve To THRIVE!

Ready for Your Own Flip Book?  Get YOURS here:  Link to get  Flip Book on Amazon

Physical copy available on Amazon too!

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