Bad Person or Bad A** Decision Maker?
Randy Baker
#1 Best Selling Author, Business Geek, Entrepreneur. Helping authors go from idea to the next best seller list. Ghostwriting, book coaching, editing and publishing. Disrupting traditional publishing one story at a time.
NOW is the perfect time!
Let me explain….
Some people think I am a “bad person”.
Not because I’ve done anything wrong…
It’s because they think I don’t “work hard enough”….
And therefore that I don’t deserve my success…
But here’s the thing…
They don’t understand what being a successful entrepreneur means…
-??????If you want to earn a substantial sum of money working less than you do in your 9 -5
-??????If you want to be “the man” (or woman) who sits at the top of the food chain and calls all the shots…
-??????If you want to enjoy true freedom and live the life where you get to do whatever you want, whenever you want...
You must develop the habit – and skill – of making decisions.
Because this is the entrepreneur life.
And it's 100% up to you to make your life the way you want it to be.
But the single biggest reason why most people are stuck in jobs they hate and feeling resentful of people who are more successful than they are?
It’s because most people are completely unable (or unwilling) to make a decision that needs to be made.
Paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong choice, most people decide to do nothing… which is the worst decision of all.
They are paralyzed by the fear of making a mistake…
So they do “nothing.”… not realizing that doing nothing is also a choice…
But here’s the truth about making decisions…
Some of our most important decisions in life have a timeline.
Choose to NOT make a decision? ?The opportunity could be gone…
The moment has passed…the opportunity has moved on to someone more receptive.
That’s the funny thing about opportunity… when she knocks you better answer or she will move on.
Right now… right here… you have a decision to make.
You can continue to want to be the next Zuckerburg or build the next Amazon…
You can continue to wish that you had the business skills to succeed…
You can continue to hope that one day you will have enough money to start your own business, or even buy that Facebook Ad Agency you saw for sale last week…
You can continue to hate your life… your job… your circumstances..
And you know what?
None of that wanting, wishing or hoping gets you any closer than you were yesterday…
None of that despair will make a crapload of difference…. When you wake up tomorrow morning, you will be the same sad person you see in the mirror today…
-??????Maybe your business is stuck, or even on life support…
And you don’t know what to do to break out?
-??????Maybe you have been working for years,
Grinding, hustling…
But nothing works, and you don’t know what to do next ?
-??????Maybe you have health issues…
Or think you are too old to start anew?
-??????Maybe you are scared of failure…
Or success?
There are plenty of reasons that will stop you from making the right decisions…
You can let those excuses stand in your way…
Or, you can make a great decision…
You can decide to do something…
You can take action…
You can decide to take the first step to success.
And check out how you can make a change…
And maybe make a decision…
A decision to move forward…
To take action…
And maybe you will be brave enough to connect with us.
We can chat about what you need to get started on your entrepreneurial journey…
We can discuss what is holding you back…
We can find ways to get you unstuck and ready to take on the world and win.
But you have to be able to make a decision.
You have to be able and ready to step out, and that is surely uncomfortable.
You have to be willing to invest in yourself… to do the work and to reap the rewards.
Are you the type of person who can make a decision?
Or do you want the world to chew you up and spit you out?
If you have ever had that entrepreneur itch and don’t know what to do about it….
If you don’t know what you want to do next and need some clarity…
If you don’t believe you are ready and need to know how to create success from where you are…
Listen up…
Becoming an entrepreneur is much easier than you think…
And building/repairing a business on life support is easier than you think…
But far riskier when you are not prepared…
Understand this…
You will NEVER be ready, so you may as well stop thinking about that… but you can be prepared…
Make your decision today…
And let’s break through …
You can become a decision-maker… and we can get you to where you want to go.
NOW is the perfect time.
Make the decision…
Take the first step.
Yesterday is gone… nothing helps that.
Tomorrow is not here yet, but can be shaped…
If you start today.
NOW is the ONLY time you have.