No Bad News

No Bad News

In the movie, The Wiz, a song says, “Don’t nobody bring me no bad news.” I have always loved this song, and in a way, I have attempted to pattern my life after it. I try my best to use my power and protect my mind from negativity. The mind is like a computer. You must protect your mind from negativity in the same way you protect your computer from viruses with antivirus software. You must censor what goes into your mind.?

One member of my Personal Board of Directors, Keith Harrell, says, “You have to protect what goes into your mind, what goes into your ears, and what comes out of your mouth.” You must constantly know what you are allowing into your mind by making sure that you keep viruses—negativity—from infecting you.?

If you are around negative people, you too can become negative. I am never comfortable when people regularly bring up negative topics, so when I find my conversations turning toward negativity, I immediately end the conversation or change the subject to something more positive. Remember, you have the power to protect yourself from negativity.?

Though it is often necessary to know what happens in your community and in the lives of those around you, you do not have to let bad news affect you. For example, when I watch the news, I don’t allow it to cause me to fear or worry. Instead of allowing the negativity of the day’s tragic events to consume me, I use it as a reminder to pray for the strength of people going through difficulties. I take in the information I see and hear, but I do not let it interrupt my peace. By doing this, I can turn a negative experience into something positive.

A few books I have read helped changed my perspective on responding to the misfortunes of others. Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav and Legacy of the Heart: The Spiritual Advantages of a Painful Childhood by Wayne Muller have allowed me to understand that everything on this Earth is as it should be; there are no mistakes.?

I can have compassion for all people, and no one needs my pity. When I look at people going through struggles, I see them as creative, resourceful, and whole. Pity makes them less than the perfect beings they are. Other people’s situations, which might seem horrible to me, often become the very situations that transform those people’s lives.

Challenging circumstances often yield immeasurable spiritual advantages. I have love and compassion for every living creature, and I appreciate being informed when those I know go through difficulties. Then, I can comfort and help when appropriate. However, continuously mulling over the misfortunes of others is something I will not do. It doesn’t help them or me to gain personal power or triumph over the situation. It can make things worse. As Dr. Wayne Dyer advises, our role as humans is to “change the way we view the situation and watch the situation change.” We don’t ever have to let negativity consume us.


Dr. Cherry Collier MCC, CNLPMC, RCC, CPCC的更多文章

