Does your Manager Behave Like this?
Charlie Howard DHP MAPHP
Clinical Hypnotherapist / NLP Practitioner / Coach at Riverside Therapy
Bad Managers think that it is acceptable and OK to say and do things within the working environment that they would not do in their personal life, just because they are the boss or in a position of power.
Now I am not here to slate the many great managers and leaders out there and I have had a few myself. This is purely targeted at the individuals that have managed to obtain a position of power, through nepotism, corporate bum-licking or being in the right place at the right time.
These individuals feel that it is perfectly acceptable to regularly abuse their position through fear, intimidation, rudeness and unacceptable behavior. I ask you, would these people behave in this manor in the real world, would they demean their children, would they high-light the flaws, failings or weaknesses of their family, would they speak to their friends with complete contempt? Certainly not, as if they did I am sure they would be quickly put in their place, dis-owned and become isolated rather quickly. Unfortunately a little bit of power can give some people a great sense of importance.
I am intrigued in how these types of people think. When scolding or bullying another do they think; this is for the good of the company; this person will now change their ways, they will become an advocate and work harder to ensure success? Really? Is that how it works? Or does it in fact create the exact opposite effect. You may find that they switch-off; think why should I bother when my efforts are not appreciated. Very few people wake up in the morning thinking I want to go to work today and do a terrible job. People want to feel fulfilled at work and feel that they are contributing. They want to strive for that next promotion or salary increase. We are like children we don’t want to disappoint our parents and we look to our leaders to give us a sense of purpose and direction.
If you are not getting what you need from your staff maybe you should consider looking closer to home instead of acting out. Blaming others and throwing your toys out of the pram will not lead you to success. Ask yourself; Have you given them a clear direction, do the people have the right skill-sets in order to carry out the job required. Are there external influences that may affect them. Am I approachable and make the employees feel valued, motivated and part of the team? I guarantee you that being well-like, respected and trusted will go a long way in getting you what you want.
So a note from a humble employee, to all of the managers and leaders out there:- First consider what it is that you want to achieve. If the objective is to de-motivate your staff, reduce the loyalty and productivity and create a sense of fear within your organization (By the way the best employee’s will leave) then continue with your projection onto your staff, fill their suitcases up with all the political bullshit that you are paid to manage, which will eventually weigh them down until they can’t pick it up. Or adopt the same attitude that you would with your friends and family:- Create an environment that breads loyalty. Allow your employees to grow and become their role-model. Be that person that inspires them to get up in the morning, help them love the company and all it stands for. You have been given a position of privilege, don’t abuse your children, help them grow and motivate them to success. Be that person they thank when they reach their pinnacle of success and the role model that helps them get there!
And a note for the suffering employee’s:- Don’t internalize the bad behavior of leaders. Pitty them as they are still struggling to discover who they are and have yet to complete their journey. Do not internalize their baggage. Take a step back and analyze what is important; the love of another, the family that will always be there. There is no gravestone in the world that says “He or she was a great employee”!
IT Project Lead at Agco
9 年Well said charlie very true
Perfect Pitch is a results orientated Lead generation company using demand generation and outbound calling, reaching both UK/Internationally. Our team is a mix of professional actors/actresses & salespeople.
9 年..yes but on a selfish front you hope they exist within your competitors..
M D of On the Button Communications Ltd (incorporating 'Money Saving Energy')
9 年Charlie hits another Bullseye. Hopefully all those suffering under this type of manager or management will read this and see it's not normal and move to another organisation that is supportive.