Bad Management and Bad Customer Service = #lakeviewatparkside
The year was 2015 and our current apartment was negative in so many ways! New Management took over a year ago and it definitely showed through their actions. Our apartment was hot, theft increased and maintenance took forever to assist you. Not to mention that a fire occurred, our cable was constantly stolen and our electricity would go out once every two months. Could I really complain when I was paying $750.00 for a two bedroom, two bathroom 750 square feet apartment? According to current apartment laws, I was able to report this to the current Leasing Management company or County housing division depending on what current apartment problems I had. I did report them and was offered solutions. It wasn't enough so I decided to relocate to a luxury apartment in order to truly enjoy my stay with amenities to make my life less stressful.
After doing research at the time, I decided to move into Lakeview at Parkside apartments located less than a mile away. Due to the popularity of this luxury apartment complex, I had to be placed on a wait list to get an apartment in the future. The complex offered two pools, four lakes (which you could do catch and throw fishing) , a game room, fitness center, Indoor basketball court, racketball court, sauna, jacuzzi spa, inside walking trail with views of rabbits at times, and a gated community patrolled by police. After waiting three months, we were finally called to look at a 1000 square foot apartment for only $1225 per month. The management was EXCELLENT!!!
They went over the apartment lease explaining everything to help us understand the rules and regulations signing it. They explained why they had 60 days lease instead of a 30 day lease but how they could allow certain exceptions depending on extenuating situations. They promoted "Customer Service" as they wanted us to know that our stay was important to them. The next two years I could clearly see that in their personnel and actions. Whenever I had a problem, they made sure to resolve it within 24-30 hours and follow up with us afterwards. Whenever we went into the lobby to sign up for a meeting, they were quick to make sure our wait was as a short as possible. If a problem occurred, they tried their best to make sure to resolve the issue or explain why something couldn't be resolved if no possible options were available. They offered exceptions to Veterans and disabled individuals to help them with first floor apartments to better suite their needs when requested.
I loved my apartment and it showed in my review on google for others to know Lakeview at Parkside apartments was a great apartment complex. Though I saw other luxury apartment complexes like Venetian and Fioro being built, I still enjoyed my stay at Lakeview at Parkside apartments. In the year, 2017, new management and staff replaced the current ones we dealt with and customer service diminished. Whenever we had problems seeking resolution, it normally took 48-72 hours. If a problem with a power outage occurred, the staff knew nothing and simply stated "There's nothing we can do about it and you just have to wait and see what happens." We begin to see roaches in our apartments and had to request spraying (which could only be done on Tuesdays) once a service request was given. Unlike the current apartment management, who requested to have monthly spraying throughout apartments, the current management only requested spraying when needed to save money.
I noticed that our gated community was no longer has gates working properly allowing strangers to park and stalk our apartment community. We started to have a rood leak in our apartment every time it rained which begin to cause mold and stains in the ceiling. Though we reported it 8 times, it still never got completely repaired. Unfortunately, we decided to not renew our lease as we were considering other job options and possible relocation. We understand that rent may increase due to not having a locked in rate by signing a lease.
We noticed that we actually had a crack in the foundation occurring in our apartment that was reported three times. Generally, this will occur every 6-12 months with apartments. We quickly discovered that Lakeview at Parkside wasn't like most apartments. Within nine months, our apartment rent went from $1250 to $1880. When I questioned the reasoning for such a large increase, I was informed that every three months they do an audit of competitive apartment complexes to decide pricing for month to month residents. I inquired if this had to occur instead of promoting customer service towards your residents. Their response was simply: "If you sign a contract lease with us, we won't increase your rent!"
Here I am being told that I will an increase rent every three months until I sign a contract lease, not because they have to do it, but simply because they wanted to do it. I was actually being bullied by my Apartment Complex to either sign a contract or pay more money until you do. Though I had constant roaches in my apartment, the gates in our community were not working, keypad doors had missing locks, and my ceiling was molded and stained, it didn't matter as all they cared about was making money and having control over their residents! They purposely placed reserved parking spots throughout the complex forcing residents to pay for spaces as they are limiting spaces for tenants to use.
I tried to contact their Management property only to discover that there were no phone number or addresses to contact anyone, simply a contact me template hoping they may respond. Being part of the National Press Club of Washington, D.C. I was able to speak to contact the Regional Manager, Vice President and Co-Owner of the company. Within 24 hours after speaking to them, I had a phone call from my current Management Complex requesting a list of any and all problems I felt needed to be resolved. It took only a week to resolve repairing all of the problems I listed about my apartment and the apartment complex as a whole. You must recall that until speaking to Upper Management, this issues were not being resolved and were in place for 1-6 months.
I am sad to say that the customer service is still very poor at this time. Even if you call in advance to schedule an appointment for paying for a parking space or an addition to your apartment, you still have to wait for at least 15 minutes when you arrive as the staff didn't even do the paperwork needed. If you have a problem you feel deserves an exception based on customer service, you are told to simply contact the main management company as there is nothing that can be done.
The staff will continue to speak to you in a harsh tone trying to bully you into leaving your problem alone. I decided to speak to other residents within the apartment complex to see if only I was seeing this side of management. I was quickly informed that it occurred to everyone. I even spoke to a disabled renter who requested to relocated from a third floor apartment to a first floor apartment to assist lessen her bodily pain. She was told that she would have to sign a 60 day leaving form and then pay rent for both the current apartment she was living in and the apartment she wanted to relocate to.
This was a disabled renter with bodily pain wanting to ease that pain but simply told NO in a harsh bullied tone unless she wanted to pay double the rent for 60 days. After performing research, I discovered that Apartment Complex Management in the South were known to be much more harsher than those in the North.
How rental laws were shaped by regional culture
The U.S. is in some ways a nation of nations, with each state having the right to create their own constitution and government. In time, this facilitated the creation of very different laws and regulations with local culture and sensibilities playing a huge role in shaping the state’s legislation.
Southern states, which used to rely mostly on agriculture during the first days of our nation, valued land ownership above all else and subsequently shaped their laws to protect landlords and their properties. Northern states, on the other hand, focused more on manufacturing and trade, encouraging constant immigration from Europe. Since most of the population worked in factories and lived in crowded cities, it only makes sense that eventually they developed more and more laws that regulated renting.
Legislation in Mountain states also seems to mostly favor landlords, but probably because renting was less common and there wasn’t much opposition from renters. Conversely, in areas where renters outnumber owners, the laws lean toward protecting renters.
Based on understanding this, I begin to see why Southern Apartment Complexes are quick to bully their renters compared to those in the North. Living in a Luxury apartment complex would make you feel that things would be different, but I quickly discovered I was wrong. Here I am now paying $1880 a month rent for a 1000 square feet 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment, while a friend of mine paying month to month in the Colony, TX (just 20 minutes away) is still paying the same rent she was paying 9 months ago. There is no longer a wait list to get an apartment here as some renters are moving out once their lease expires.
Currently there are 3 bedroom, 2 bath homes and 4 bedroom, 3 bath (averaging 1200-2200 sq. feet) going for $200,000 - $240,000, which averages $1300-1700 per month mortgage with a 6% down payment.
Why would you pay $1880 per month knowing your rent will increase at lease $100 dollars every three months when you can own a home much bigger for a lower cost? This is why we have decided to find a house to live in as no apartment complex should ever bully renters into signing contract leases. Where has the definition of Customer Service gone in today's society? When I approached management to receive their thoughts on this current situation they stated:"No comment" and simply told me I need to sign a contract lease to make life easier for me while living there.
If you are looking for a luxury apartment to enjoy I highly suggest you look at Venetician Apartments or Fiori Apartments but DO NOT EVEN CONSIDER Lakeview at Parkside Apartments! Though the property is simply magnificent, it is not worth the negative and bullied reactions you will receive from their management. I would highly advise Management Support ( to consider removing the current management and staff at Lakeview at Parkside with NEW PROFESSIONAL MANAGMENT AND STAFF THAT UNDERSTANDS THE DEFINITION OF CUSTOMER SERVICE INSTEAD OF THE COLOR OF MONEY!
If you wish to see the proof for yourself, please view their reviews at the following url links listed below:
Apartment Ratings (240 reviews) -
Yelp Reviews -
Thank you for reading my article on Lakeview at Parkside Apartments. I hope that it was very informative to for those considering to relocate in Dallas, Texas.
Alan Cousin
Founder of Get Up Radio Media ( / Member of the National Press Club of Washington (
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