Love will never kill you. Bad love will. Anybody you give your heart to and who does not nourish it back will slow your inside flame and kill your spirit. However, to know it and to face it is two different thing. Too often people work too much or workout too much to forget that they feel empty inside. Why not decide for 2020 to honor the love that you have inside and choose wisely to whom you give it to. You will feel better about yourself and attract the right person for you. I am not a psychologist. I am only a professional woman with a soft heart. My passion has always been people. I love and cherish them even when they do not feel the same about me. I always thought that I had enough love for everybody until now. I have come to realize that I cannot love for two. I do not want to either. Bad love makes me sick. No more. Choose wisely but always choose you first.

Now some people will wonder why take the time to share these thoughts on a professional platform. Simple. Everything is linked together and the sooner you realize that, the better your life will be. You are the same person at work, at home, at the gym, at the restaurant, etc. Your mindset, your beliefs, your passion, your ambitions and your love are luggages that you carry everyday with you whether you like it or not. Our arrogance makes us think that we can handle it and manage it the way we want. No true. We are always a step behind. Balance in everything will give us the happy life we want and deserve. Let's take the time to put our heart in order and make sure that our mind is not working against it as they were made to be and stay united. Sounds easy? It's not. But it's so worth it.

Take care of yourself.


