“Bad Cop” Tim Walz’s Ivy League Class Warfare …is WEIRD
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
I watched the entire Arizona Campaign Event for Harris/ Walz
…the game plan is simple
Good Cop/ Bad Cop
God Bless Kamala …transfigured in her new elevated status
…no longer constrained by the Team Biden handlers –(what a Snake Pit)
Harris has authenticated herself to become who she actual/ really is
In Michigan yesterday she showed her spine as the radical Jahadies attempted to disrupt her event
….not so politely put them in place and skillfully using the general audience to shut them up completely
Such authority comes through the support of the crowd that view her totally different
…..than Biden INC – CEO -Scranton Joe ?- a deeply corrupted/failed leader
Harris as the Good Cop
–speaks of JOY as the central theme in her Prez. Campaign
...love her soft skill sell that warmly embraces the huddled masses that the elites have forgotten long long ago
Socrates said the mob is fickle
No one shallower than the American Public that longingly thirsts for a crumb of positivity against the backdrop of a declining society of harshness
Kamala waxed like a preacher – lofty in lifting up the masses from the yoke of their worried lives
Got to tell you …..she’s excellent in this scripted form
…Harris …uses this loose-leaf binder on the podium
…and just like the prosecutor lawyer (that she was)
…reads line and verse –to give one hell of good speech
Kamala is no longer as nervous
?–she calls the shots and with that her inner passion has risen to the occasion
Her speaking style is a work of art
…sorry but I call them as I see them
So far ..Kamala is running an…. A+ Game
Bad Cop Walz looks like an unmade bed
…kind of disheveled – rumbled ?-- maybe this is the “central casting” costume he was told to wear
…just like Rep. Jim Jordan that wears the cheapest worn-out dress shirt
In doing a research project on Ageism, my daughter advised me not to wear my effusive designer dress shirts and 100 USD plus ties when doing the interviews
People have a certain profile –lets call it a stereotype of what the average Jane/Joe should look like in American Society
This is a big part of the misperception that we have about Class in America
My friends of Color will be quick to tell you that racism is the most significant challenge in American Society
While I love your intensity and ardor …you’re wrong
America has a huge complex problem with Class
At this Third Chapter of my Life having traverse the entire spectrum from the bottom to the top
??-- I possess a unique perspective on the subject
…as I interact with great comfort on all levels
…more importantly am accepted by the guys down at the rural sawmill and the C-Suite types in NYC
My wife would constantly chided me at the elite boarding school from talking extensively with the “help”
..at one event there
?– I bumped into the “Polish Ladies” that cleaned the students room
…laughed like the dickens with them – with my “pigeon” Polish
My daughter told me these ladies always treated her sort of special
Kindness is the greatest expression on divine love -who’s feeling never fades
Tim Walz or his Woke Scriptwriters have some very inaccurate perceptions of Working-Class people and their perception of education
…especially Higher Education – for that matter Ivy League Universities
Granted that Higher Education brand has taken some huge hits due to the WOKE Gaza Campus Spring whose open warfare against the Jews has shocked the working class people that I speak with on a daily basis
While such bad behavior maybe begruntling accepted in their own circle
..such poor manners were not befitting such spaces that these Working Class people hold in high esteem
This is where Walz and his WOKE Advisors got this all wrong
..there is no class envy with the Working Class about the Ivy League or Higher Education
but their disappointment in the Leftist Professors lecturing anti American theory to young minds filled with mush
This is the disconnection that the Left / Progressives have with these Walmart Deplorables in Fly-Over-Country ?
JD Vance’s Yale education is not offensive to them at all
My family’s foundation has worked with rural poor and working-class students for thirty plus years
…in just one generation we leaped from the production floor of the local gun factory into C-Suites in Manhattan
What Bad Cop Walz does not seem to understand from these Working Class voters
…….Higher Ed -Ivy League Education is the natural progression of American Society to grant this type of upward opportunity
Nothing “weird about leaving your small rural NH town for Harvard, Yale, Brown or even better Dartmouth
Nothing “weird” about going to Baylor Medical School or Harvard Medical School
Nothing “weird’ about going to Boston College Law School then getting a position at Skadden Arps or Lathan Watkins in NYC
Just met Congressional Candidate Maggie Goodlander this past week
…local NH Public Education – Yale -Yale Law- Skadden Arps – U.S. DOJ whose husband Jake Sullivan is the current United State President right hand guy
She was brilliant -charming with that Granite State down to earth sensibility
Keep your eye on her....Up & Coming !!
One of the greatest joys in this point of my life is turning on my Linked-In to observe what amazing new thing that one of my now ”big shot” students have accomplished
Bad Cop Tim will not find much reciprocity in Rural White America
…..that do not hate the Ivy League or Higher Ed
…..but surely (like me) have a burning strong dislike for the Bicoastal Elite, Radical Woke Anti-American Progressives
…not to mention demagogues like Walz who thinks he actually knows what little people like me are thinking.
Walz's presumption is what’s offensive
This is the social engineering of the Liberal Left Elite I’ve battled for almost forty years in public life
Back in the day on the local school board
…I had one School Superintendent tell me
…that she knew what was best for the students even more than their parents that worked at the local gun factory
Sadly, nothing has changed
..as JD Vance is quickly identified with someone that “made good” with these opportunities by my working class constituents
The Ivy League Schools are not the problem
….but the radical elites who are know-it-alls that have ruined both public education and Higher Ed are the source of America’s decline
Walz's need a course correct here
Tim is fortunate that his Red Team opponents have not the ability to capture this sentiment
..and to confront Walz’s Leftist Class Warfare as some Retro-Social Theory from a generation ago that never worked
The Working Class does do not despise being Upscale as these are people that aspire better for their children
These are lovely people with a clear heart and intention that do not like Elites Walz telling them what they are thinking
…but far worse what their hopeful selves aspiringly feel
JD is not “weird” for he like our daughters and sons
..what he did is not that unusual to us
….as we visit our own children that far exceeded the success we desired for them
What is “weird” is Tim’s social engineering theories
The same old Elite Left telling the Little People what’s best for them
Tim…..this did not work thirty years ago and will not prevail in 2024
Come to New Hampshire …do your market research
Then get your act together
..for you are the one out of step on this subject