Bactiblock? in art

Bactiblock? in art

Have you ever wondered how our cultural heritage is kept in good conditions?

Did you know that we are able to enjoy many of the paintings and historical monuments created many years ago thanks to the work of specialized professionals and techniques?

Objects of our cultural heritage are often prone to biodeterioration. This term is defined as any unwanted alteration of the material’s properties caused by alive microorganisms. The mentioned alterations can be induced by macroorganisms (plants and animals) or by microorganisms (bacteria, algae and fungi). When it comes to microorganisms’ growth in sights and works of art, there are two main causes that we should mention: the substrate’s chemical nature and environmental conditions.?Unsuitable storage and irregular maintenance of cultural assets in archives, museums and storerooms usually boost microbial proliferation. Considering this situation, there is room for BactiBlock? to help!

BactiBlock? is thrilled to participate in a research project called Fighting against biodeterioration in oil on canvas paintings through the use of antimicrobial adhesive nanomaterials” with Aragon’s?Institute of Nanoscience and Materials?(INMA-CSIC/UNIZAR).

One of the painting techniques most popular nowadays is oil on canvas. This technique appeared at the Middle Ages and since then it has been one of the most important artistic expressions, constituting noted works of art with an important historical and cultural value.?

If we compare oil on canvas to other forms of art, these kinds of paintings are probably offering the broadest range of microhabitats and nutrients to be exploited by a wide variety of microorganisms. That is to say that the materials into the painting (cellulose, binders, oils) are all of them formed by organic molecules. Being these molecules a source of high nutritional content for microorganisms, easy and quick degradation of the painting is unfortunately ensured. Some examples of fungi strains found on canvas can be observed in the following picture:

Artistic and historical oil & canvas paintings are inevitably exposed to degradation. This requires continuous development of advanced materials able to counteract degradation process. Systematic formulation of functional and adapted materials that are able to protect, preserve and restore works of art represents a challenge open to research with the aim of replacing accidental or empirical approach in restoration techniques.

We will be happy to share with you further information as this project goes along!


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