The Backwards History of LUNGBUTTUR (PART 1)
Album art created by Camile Houle

The Backwards History of LUNGBUTTUR (PART 1)

First let's start the article off with some perspective as it might be years before you find this self made article by the creator, singer and co-songwriter of LUNGBUTTUR. I will be treading a path through the industry and we will be opening up the big stage to music and musicians that you need to hear and not just the ones you are told to hear. There has been a massive underground growth of music over the last three decades that have been shelved and hidden from you.

No longer forced to hide our music from you, we have resurrected ourselves from this 30 year slumber, removed ourselves from the shelf, all 4 albums and 59 songs that we wanted you to hear going all the way back to 1996 and released them on our own terms for you for free to listen to and learn from on all major platforms.

For you this is just the beginning of our journey as you have just become a part of it by reading this, for me this has been a long and strenuous journey with many influences stories relationships and hardships that can be felt and heard in every song performed.

This will be given to you in a series of articles that will cover that history song by song going from our most recent releases backwards through the History of LUNGBUTTUR. - Camile Houle

Camile Houle in the cemetery behind southgate mall circa 1996

What is LUNGBUTTUR? - When I first came up with the name in 1995 I called it Lungbutter but then decided to change the spelling to incorporate more meaning to spell it as LUNGBUTTUR in representation of the 3 original members and all of smoking and hacking we did while coughing out the name.

How many songs have you written? - over 200 myself and we have currently 6 other songwriters involved in the creation of our music. When it comes to the lyrics they are always written by me.

What makes you unique? - Being the first ever collective of artists that offer the chance for anyone to be a part of it, by sending a submission of there original music to us, if we write great lyrics and enjoy the song they retain 50% of the royalties for that song, get there name on the album and hear there song performed live on stage for millions to hear. if your a 50 to 90 year old man with songs in the bank and you could never write lyrics for them then this kind of thing would be a great way to create a legacy.

What is your genre? - our genre is hard to pin down as we do not restrict ourselves to any limitations. If a song works it works no bias and we currently have songs that would fit into the grunge, numetal, metal, alternative, acoustic, folk, alternative, goth and psychedelic genres. We even have a grunge rock opera considerately the first of it's kind.

Why can't I find a listing for any shows? - After spending years playing local pubs and going on tours as an original band we decided that once we removed and released our songs for the public we would create a fan base first then worry about the live shows. Spread the news so that you can get us in your town and on your stage before everyone else and feel free to ask us any questions you have here is our direct email address [email protected] unlike the majority of artists we want to talk to you and we will answer you.

Camile Houle June 2023

The story will continue on part 2


