sustainable backlight technology without batteries
a backlight remote control without batteries ?
a reduction of 18 million batteries if there is 1 million remote
controls in the field ?
a carbon footprint reduction of a remote’s energy source by 75% ?
it sounds like an impossible challenge, but with ruwido’s technology this becomes reality.
our sustainable backlight system supports on screen navigation for the visually impaired, according to 2024 eu accessibility regulations.
and our solution is not only the right choice for the people, but also for the planet: while everyone is just talking about the carbon footprint making its impact on the global warming of our planet, we know that there are, unfortunately, also other substances that are bad for our health and the health of the earth.
compared to a five-year battery usage of a low tech backlight remote control produced in asia, ruwido’s technology with european-produced remotes:
in addition to benefiting the environment, ruwido’s sustainable remote control production can also lead to cost savings due to the extended longevity of remote controls and 360 circular economy.
we believe that sustainable remote control production is an essential aspect of building a more environmentally friendly and socially responsible world. as remote controls continue to be a staple in homes and workplaces worldwide, it is crucial to consider their impact on the environment and society.
we are very proud to having developed a product with such high savings not only in carbon, but also in several other chemicals and substances.
if you would like to learn more, please contact us at [email protected]
(1) this value indicates the number of cases of illnesses caused by the use of specific materials. in case of the remote’s power source, it’s a very tiny value in the nano range.
(2) this value indicates the potential acidification of soils and water, which can cause e.g. changes in the mineral balance, forest dieback or damage to organisms. main sources of those substances are combustion processes.?
(3) this value is called “eutrophication” and indicates the enrichment of an ecosystem with nutritional elements. these elements cause e.g. the growth of algae which consume oxygen and block sunlight in the water, making it unavailable to other organisms.
(4) this value indicates the toxic effects substances released into the environment have on freshwater organisms, which contributes to biodiversity loss.