Backing Types for a Flap Disc

Backing Types for a Flap Disc

A flap disc is a combination of abrasive flaps adhered to a rigid backing plate. It is the backing plate that provides stability during operation. How many types of backing plates do you know and do you know the differences between different types of backing plates?

There are three different material types:

· Being strong, durable, lightweight, and safe, fiberglass is the most popular material choice. Fiberglass creates a strong bond with adhesives and does not contaminate the working surface. This type of plate also gets consumed during use, and it absorbs vibration very well.

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· Plastic backing plates are becoming more popular due to their conformability as well as being trimmable, which allows more use of the flaps, especially for blending and finishing.?

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· Aluminum backing plates are the least popular ones but are good in applications demanding extra high strength and rigid support. Since metal plates are expensive, they should be used where they make the most sense. Aluminum backings don’t get consumed during use, so they can be easily recycled when a flap disc is past its useful life.

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