The Background to Positive Response Training

The Background to Positive Response Training

Positive Response was founded by Dr David Allen, in 1999. He worked as a clinician, manager, trainer and senior academic, with over 35 years’ experience working in the NHS and an international reputation in the field of Positive Behavioural Support. His contribution to that was acknowledged by a leadership award from the British Institute of Learning Disabilities in 2012. He held honorary personal chairs at the University of Glamorgan, Cardiff University, and the Tizard Centre, University of Kent, and was a Fellow of both the British Psychological Society and the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability. His extensive training experience includes developing Positive Behaviour Management Pro (PBMpro), leading the establishment of Cardiff University’s Positive Approaches to Challenging Behaviour Masters programme, and the suite of vocational BTEC PBS qualifications which emerged from it. His legacy includes a significant history of developing policy and practice through organisations such as the King’s Fund and NICE. David published over 60 publications in peer review journals, delivered 120 national and international conference presentations, and was founding co-editor of the International Journal for Positive Behavioural Support. David also served as an expert witness in legal cases related to abuse scandals - including some very high profile cases.

David recently took a well-earned retirement - and we are eternally indebted to him and grateful for his ongoing advice and guidance when we require it.

Few businesses in the field of PBS and ethical physical interventions training can boast such foundations and legacy.

You're in safe hands with us as a result of David's contribution to our overall work, knowledge and integrity.

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